
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 5974

unit 5 (a) what does she do ?(let’s talk)



1、 学生会用“what does…do ?”he/ she is a /an…..询问他人职业。并能在情景中运用。

2、 学生能够听懂、会说本课let’s talk里的内容,并能做替换练习。


1、 重点是掌握句型:what does …do ? she/he is a /an….

2、 难点是重点句型中问句的表达。


能根据上个单元学过的“爱好”描述与本节课所学习的职业表达,写“my family”的小作文。





课前一首歌:mr sun.(flash 歌曲)


let’s chant.

my father is a teacher.

what does your father do ?

my mother is a teacher.

what does your mother do ?

singer, writer, or a tv reporter.

driver, worker, or a great famer.

what do you want to do ?

what do you want to do ?

师导语:wonderful! i think you’re very excited today.

now, it’s your show time. so let’s come on ! ok?

生:ok!师导语:first , let’s revise something last lesson. look at the screen.\



teach, clean, fly, sing, drive, dance, go, do, h**e…)


师导语:very nice! now i h**e a guessing game.

let’s h**e a you can answer, you will get many stickers.

2.复习上节课有关职业的单词与a, an 的用法。

1. miss wang teaches english. she is

2. she cleans streets. she is

3. he sings songs. he is

4. john writes stories. he is

5. uncle li drives cars. he is

6. she dances . she is

7. tom draws pictures. he is

8. mary acts the tiger. she is


3.free talk.


1. (用指定的词卡问学生)what do you do ?

2. what’s your hobby?

3. what are you going to be ?


1. what’s his / her hobby?

2. what is …going to be ?

3. what does she do ?

将what does she do ?板书在黑板上,引导学生回答:she is a teacher.




师导语:if i want to know your mother’s job, how to ask ?

生:what does your mother do ?

read follow the teacher, then free talk.(转问学生的妈妈/爸爸/叔叔….是做什么的)

师导语:oh, i know some students’ fathers or mothers are farmers or workers. let’s h**e a look .

what does she /he do ?


3.teach “let's talk”.

listen to “let’s try”.

师导语:well done! now please listen to the tape, circle the right answer:

what does he /she do ?

让学生做书上59页的let’s try, then check the answer.针对第二题的答案,引出teaches,领读两遍,目的:为let’s talk中较难的最后一句话提前解决难题)

listen to “let’s talk”.

师导语:he is a teacher, i am a teacher, too. i teach english.

i h**e a dialogue, it’s between john and chen jie. please listen carefully, i will ask two questions. the first one is :

what does john’s father do ? the second one is :what does john’s mother do ?

come on !


listen to the tape again, then recite the dialogue.

play the tape once more, fill in the blanks.


chendoes your mother do ?

john: she is a

chen: what does yourdo ?

john: _is a teacher. he __english


the students a form. two students a group to finish it .

2. exchange the dialogue with the new information.(找两到三组的学生进行对话替换练习,并纠正其发音)


师导语:excellent! your fathers are farmers or workers.

now i h**e a short passage. it was written by a student. he also wants to introduce his father or mother’s job.

let’s h**e a look.

出示my family 作文例文)

my family

there are 3 people in my family. they’re my father, my mother and i. my father is a worker.

he likes playing chess. my mother is a teacher. she likes watching tv.

i’m a student. i like singing. i’m going to be a singer.



师导语:i found some students wrote that his father is an tv reporter. i don’t think so .

why don’t you write the real job ? 难道父母的真实职业让你感到丢脸了吗?if so , i will show you a short story.

after that, please tell me what you want.



师导语:请回去重新写my family的作文,老师相信你们会写上最真实的信息。class is over!

blackboard design:

what does your mother do ?

she is a /an ….


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