
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 7338

牛津6a unit 3 it was there!第一教时。



b. look,read and learn & c. ask and answer二教学目标。

1能正确地听、说、读、写词汇was, moment, ago, were, a mobile phone, glasses。能正确地听、说、读词汇a cd walkman, roll, film, earphone, diary。

2能正确地听、说、读句型where’syour…?it’son/in/near/behind/under…itisn’tthere now. it was there a moment.

where are your…? they’re on/in/near/behind/under…they aren’t there now. they were there a moment ago.




2板书准备:预先写好课题unit 3 it was there!五教学过程。

a greetings and motivation1 greetings师生问候2 listen and follow the orders

t: take out your rubber ,please. put it on your pencil (边做动作边说) on my pencil box.……

变换多种位置如:under, beside, between, near, in等b presentation and practice

1t: today we’ll learn a new unit---unit 3 it was there! first let me show youa photo of three girls.

who can you see in the photo?根据三个女孩的年龄变化呈现:was, ago, wereshe was four five years ago.

now she is were six five years ago. now they are eleven.

t: today gao yun is visiting su hai and su yang. su hai is showing her the thingsin their sitting-room.

what’s in their sitting-room? let’swait and see.逐一呈现b部分的单词。

2 listen and read part b3 look and guess what it is.

分别出示六种物品,但只能看到部分,要求猜出是什么。c presentation and practice

1以变魔术的方式呈现:it isn’t there now. it was there a moment ago.

2用实物操练,如:(把cd walkman放在桌上)t: can you see a cd walkman?

ss: yes, i can.

t: where is the cd walkman?ss: it’s on the desk.

t: close your eyes, please. (将东西移走) look, it isn’t there 引导学生说出)it was there a moment ago.

变换实物和位置进行师生、生生操练。3 practise in pairs.同桌利用**交流。

4用以上步骤呈现并操练复数句型:they aren’tthere werethere a momentago.

d consolidation

1 play and act (游戏对话)

t: excuse me, where’s your mobile phone?s1: it’s beside my book.

t:closeyoureyes, it was there a moment ago.

t: yes, but where is it now? can you find it?

s1: is it in your desk?t:

no, it isn’ is it under my book?

t: sorry, you are wrong. look, it’s in my hand.教师示范两例后,学生同桌表演对话。2 listen, do and answer

t: put your pencil under your book. then put it beside your pencil box. (学生作出相应动作)

t: where is your pencil now? where was your pencil a moment ago?

t: put your rulers on your desk. then put them in your book..

学生作出相应动作)t: where are your rulers now? where were your rulers a moment ago?

3 magic eyes

多**展示一幅图,学生观察十秒钟后**变化,图中物品位置发生改变。t: where was/ were… a moment ago?

s: it was / they were ….师生用以上句型问答。

4 find out the differences between the two pictures.将前一活动的两幅图同时呈现,要求学生仿照下列句子来描述不同:

the lamp was on the desk a moment ago. the lamp is on the floor now.

the glasses were under the desk a moment ago. the glasses are under the bed now.学生小组讨论后回答。

e homework


2仿例写出两幅图的不同点(至少三个)3预习a listen, read and say


unit 3 it was there!

ago以前where’s the cd walkman?was(is和am的过去式)it’s on the (are的过去式)it’s isn’t there was there a moment are the earphones?they are beside the aren’t there were there a moment ago.


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