
发布 2023-08-13 03:55:43 阅读 8776

unit 10 welcome to our home!

period 1


1、 知识目标: 能够听、说、认读living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen;

2、 能力目标: 能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间的名称,特征等。

3、 情感目标: 培养学生对“家”的热爱,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的居家环境。



教学难点:正确掌握单词bathroom, kitchen的读音。


step1. warm-up

1、free talk:

t: hello, boys and girls. how are you?

are you happy? i’m happy, too. look, i can see a computer in the classroom.

what can you see in the classroom?

s1: i can see six windows and a big teacher’s desk.

s2: i can see a nice picture and four fans.

t: yeah, our classroom is so big 、clean and beautiful.

2. sing a song: in the classroom. (学生边拍手边唱)

step2. presentation

t: look at the screen, look carefully.课件呈现一间空的书房,周围是各种家具用品,通过同学们布置新书房的活动加以运用新授词汇,引导学生用语言:

put the in the study.

最后,t:what can you do in the study?

ss: i can read a book in the study. teacher and students say and act:

go to the study, read a book.. 学生边说边做动作)

2. living room, watch tv的呈现、学习。

教师指着amy在书房看书的**说:we can read a book in the study. we also can read a book in the___学生猜测,引出living room。

t: good job! we can read a book in the living room, too.

read after me, /v/, v/, living room..

ss read it together, and then read it two by two. 在学生学会词汇后,通过让学生介绍自己家的客厅达到运用的目的。这一环节,教师在课件上呈现一间客厅及相关语言:

my living room is(nice, big ,small, beautiful,等)

最后,t:what can you do in the living room? 引导出词组:watch tv并进行学习。

3. bedroom的呈现、学习。

教师指着看电视的**说:we can watch tv in the living room, can we watch tv in bed? ss: no.

t: well done. we shouldn’t watch tv in bed, it’s bad for your eyes.

but we can h**e a sleep in bed. where is the bed?

ss: it’s in the bedroom..

ss read it one by one, four by four.

t: look, what can you see in the bedroom? (课件呈现) 引导学生观察**并用“i can see”进行回答。

t: let’s go to the bedroom and h**e a sleep.引导学生边说边做:

go to the bedroom, h**e a sleep. 最后师生边拍手边唱“my bedroom”。

t:where can you see the teddy bear? ss: in the bedroom.

4. kitchen的呈现、学习。

紧接上面,拿出一把勺子问学生:where can you see the spoon? 引出kitchen.

ss read it with their deskmate,并纠正读音。

5. bathroom的呈现、学习。

t: where can we wash her hands? 引出bathroom.

t: /a: /b ab a: θbathroom. (升降调练读)

ss read it with me, read it one by one.

课件呈现三间不同颜色、格调的bathroom**引导学生用语言:i like bathroom3, it is big/green. 来表达自己的观点。

step3. consolidation.

1. 教师不出声任意说单词,让学生看口型猜单词,有助于想、培养学生细心观察的能力。

2. play a game: a big mouse is in my home.

3.听、指跟读单词及let’s do



同桌一个指、跟读,另一个检查他指的对不对,听他发音准不准,然后交换。 ④听、指let’s do。

听、说、做let’s do。

step4. extension. 课件呈现联城国际的**,让学生做他们的推销员来介绍房子,并评选出最佳推销员。

所用语言在课件上作提示:look, this is a home, you can see three bedrooms, one kitchendo you like it?

step5. homework 让学生画自己家的平面图,并准备向同学介绍。

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