
发布 2023-08-12 07:04:57 阅读 1848


unit 6work quietly ! a





doing morning exercises, h**ing…class, eating lunch, reading abook, listening to music.

教学目标。2.掌握句型:what is chenjie /she /he doing?

what are the students /they /you doing?




教学过程。step1 :预习温故。

1. t: when is your birthday?s: my birthday is onapril 8th.

t: whose storybook is that ?s:it’s yours.

t: whosepenisthat ?s:it’ssarah’s ./it’shers.

t: is he drinking water ?s: yes, he is .

t: are these rabbits eating ?s:

no, they aren’t.(板书这些句子,也可留空让学生填)2. review unit5’s 2.


1. t: look at the picture .

what’s chen jie doing?s: (做早操) doing morning follow me doing morning exercises.

use the same way to learn other words: h**ing…class, eatinglunch, reading a book, listening to music.(老师要板书单词的原形)

2. sentences: t: what is chen jie / he /she doing?s: he /she is eating lunch

t: what are the students / they/you doing?s:



they /we are listening to 3.合作交流,师生共建。

1. teacher say english, students say chinese, and then exchange.2.

teacher show word card, student say words.

3.灵活运用本节课句型:. s1: what is zhang peng doing ? s2:he is reading a book.

s1:whataresarahandchenjiedoing?s2:they are eating 4.达标检测。


1. she is2. we are3. sarah is

4. i am

5. look! who is二、对号入座。

) 1. eating luncha.它的。

) 2. drinking waterb. (正在)上英语课() 3. itsc.小的。

) 4. h**ing an english classd. (正在)吃午饭() 5. bambooe.竹子。

三、用单词is ,am ,are填空。1. what __chen jie doing?

2. what __the students doing ?3.

whose storybooks __that ?4. i __reading a book now.

5. _she eating lunch ? yes, she is.

unit 6work quietly ?let’slearn

what is he /she doing ?what are they/you doing ?doingmorningexercises

板书。he/ she ish**ing…class

设计。eating lunchthey / we arereading a booklistening to music

教学反思。作业1、抄写单词:h**ing…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music…设计2、熟读单词和短语。

人教版小学英语五年级下册unit6第5 6单元教案

人教版小学英语五年级下册unit 6第5 6单元教案。第五课时。一 教学目标。1 能够听 说 认读句子 is he taking picture?no,he isn t yes,he is.并能在情景中运用。2 能够听懂 会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。3 够理解story time的故事内容。二 教...


片 石井片。学校 新纪元学校。教师姓名 常娜娜孙华英。内容 五年级下册 unit 6 共三课时 联系手机 17076615012 五年级下册。unit 6 单元整体教学设计。一,单元整体教学设计思路与依据 通过对教材的整体分析和把握,在单元主题邀请的背景下,通过文本重构第教材进行改变和梳理,设计an...


unit6教案。一 教学目标。1 能够听 说 认读句子 is he taking picture?no,he isn t yes,he is 并能在情景中运用。2 能够听懂 会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。3 够理解story time的故事内容。二 教学重点 难点。1 重点 使学生熟练掌握句型is ...