
发布 2022-01-20 18:54:28 阅读 7643


h**ele**esplaya report第二课时。

countchess一。写出下列短语(a ,b,c,组)


五年级下册unit 6检测题。


t:what __you doing ?j: i’mmy classmates.

tare they ?j : they aret:

are they catching butterflies ?j : nothey are picking up le**es .


they watching insects ?2肯定回答否定回答)


w: heyare you doing there你们正在吃午饭吗?)j:

nowe are做实验)wexperiment ?w: what do ants come and h**e a look __the ants .

w: are they eating the vegetable ?j:

他们正在吃蜂蜜吗?)c : yesthey like sweet food .

w: i like sweet things,too. doexperiment___me ,please .


you eating lunch ?(否定回答肯定回答。

2. are they eating the honey ?(肯定回答否定回答。



writea picnic第五课时。


. he’s playing chess .b .

he’s in the woods .c . she’s in the woods .

no, he is .b. yes , he isn’t .

c. no , he isn’t .

no, he is .b . no, she isn’t .

c . yes , he is .二、补全对话(a,b组)t :

where __zhang peng ?w: he’s __the woods .

t : is he照相)?w :

nohe’s playing chess.

t: _john playing chessw : yesthey___playing together.

三、回答问题(c组)isjohnwriting a report肯定回答否定回答)第六课时按课文填空(a,b组)it’s time __go .where __john他正在下棋吗是的,他是).tell __we are le**ing .

where is amy ? is __writing a report ? no, she isn’t她正在数昆虫吗不,她不是).

tell___回答问题(c组) he playing chess肯定回答否定回答).

she counting insects肯定回答否定回答).





二、填空。___the tiger . it __running . the rabbit __jumping .


i see the大象妈妈).what is sheshe’s walkingthe baby elephant ? what___it doing ?

i t’s running .


s: look___the monkey . c它正在做什么?)s它正在吃香蕉). it’s hungry .

c: that袋鼠宝宝) is so cute . it’s睡觉).

s怎么样) the mother kangaroo她正在做什么)?c她正在跳).

s: _you see any elephants ? i __elephants.

c: yes ,look there !that elephant is喝水) with __trunk .





wdo you see ?j: i see twow :

what __they doing ?j:they arewater .

w: can you see the monkeys ?j:

yes , they are


) do you see ?a. yes ,they are swinging.

()are they doing ?b. they are drinking water .

(3. can you see the monkeyss ?c.

i see two elephants .




1.do you see any animals ?a : yes ,they can .

2. what are they doing ?b:

yes ,here come two tigers .3. can tigers really swim ?

c : he is eating bananas . is he doing ?

d: they’re swimming .

my day

i usually get up at 5:00 in the morning .i do morning exercises at 5:

30. i eat breakfast at go toschool at 6:30.

we h**e four classes in the morning .i eat lunch at 11:30.

we h**e three classes in theafternoon . i go home at 4:30 .

then i play sports .i eat dinner at 5:30.

i do my homework at 6:00 .iread books at 7:

00. i go to bed at 8:00 in the evening .

this is my day .

my weekend

there are two days on the weekend, saturday and sunday. on saturday, i often play ping–pong inthe morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and i often help my mother do some cleaning. onsunday, i usually visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon.

afterdinner, i often watch tv with my parents.

my family

there are five people in my family. they are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and i. look!

grandmais watching tv. grandpa is reading a book. dad is writing an e-mail.

mom is cooking dinner. i amdoing my homework. i love my family!

four seasons

we h**e four seasons in a year. i can do many interesting things in each season. in spring, the weatheris cool and wind, i can fly kites.

and i can go hiking with my family. i like hiking. summer is hot dresses.

fall is good. i can eat fruits in this season. i can watch the le**es fall.

winter comes,it’s often snowy in it snows, everything is white. we can play with snow and make asnowman, skate and ski. i love seasons.

i love the nature.


一 听力 一 listen and number听录音,标出朗读的顺序。二 look,listen and tick or cross 看图,听录音,判断录音内容是否与所给情景相符,相符划 不符划 peter s mary sbob smiss liu s tom sbetty s 三 listen...


姓名分数。1.从事。2.一 就。3.拿走。4.穿上。5.有点儿。6.似乎很可能。7.放弃。8.因为。9.不同的观点。10.主人公。11.从前。12.做出72种变化。13.把 变成。14.隐藏他的尾巴。15.出现 出版。16.弱者。17.做一条连衣裙。18.爱上 喜欢上。19.结婚。20.想出方法。2...


片 石井片。学校 新纪元学校。教师姓名 常娜娜孙华英。内容 五年级下册 unit 6 共三课时 联系手机 17076615012 五年级下册。unit 6 单元整体教学设计。一,单元整体教学设计思路与依据 通过对教材的整体分析和把握,在单元主题邀请的背景下,通过文本重构第教材进行改变和梳理,设计an...