
发布 2023-05-13 07:25:28 阅读 9680


unit 7 the birthday party

topic 2 can you sing an english song?

section a

. material analysis

本节课是第七单元话题二的第一课时,主要围绕康康的生日聚会展开,主要活动是1a和3。通过谈论自己在生日聚会上要表演的节目,呈现本课的语言点,同时学习情态动词can表示个人能力,谈论会做和不会做的事情的表达方式:i can only sing english songs.

i can’t sing chinese songs.从而训练学生说的技能并输出新功能用语。

. teaching aims

1. knowledge aims

能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:else, piano, disco, perform, ballet.


do you want to sing chinese songs or english songs?

chinese songs.


(1)i can only sing english songs.

(2)i can’t sing chinese songs.

2. skill aims


3. emotional aims


. the key points and difficult points

1. key points


do you want to sing chinese songs or english songs?

chinese songs.


i can only sing english songs.

i can’t sing chinese songs.

2. difficult points


. learning strategies


. teaching aids


. teaching procedures

step 1. warm up

t: good afternoon,boys and girls! nice to see you!

ss: good afternoon,teacher! nice to see you,too!

1. t: ok,today we will learn unit7 topic 2 sectiona can you sing an english song?

first,let’s play a game!look,i h**e a present for is it ? can you guess?

you can ask any questions about it ?

what’s the shape of it?..t: it’s round!..引出话题can you play basketball?

some student about “can you...what can you do?”.

some pictures and give explanations to the students.

the explanations and lead in the use of or question and can.

step 3. practice

some pictures and let the students make sentences.

the students use “i can...but i can’t...what can you do?”to make sentences.

step4. consolidation

to 1a and look at the flash,then answer questions.

again,then finish 1b.

the answers together.

to 2 and then check the answers together.

step 5. summary

scan and review the new words,phrasesand the important sentences.

step6. homework

1. recite section a-1a.

section a in your workbook.

3. preview section b.

. blackboard design


仁爱英语七年级下册教案设计。unit 7 the birthday party topic2 can you sing an english song?section a 教师 王晓明。单位 叶县洪庄杨乡初级中学。unit 7 the birthday party topic 2 can you s...


16.1二次根式教学设计。学习目标 知识与技能 1.经历二次根式概念的 了解二次根式的概念。2.能够判断一个式子是不是二次根式。3.会求二次根式字母的取值范围。过程与方法 经历二次根式概念的发生过程。情感态度与价值观 学生经历观察 比较 总结和应用等数学活动,感受数学活动。满了探索性与创造性,体验发...


一 游戏导入。同学们,欢迎大家走进我们的心理课堂。在正式上课之前,老师带领同学们做一个小游戏,游戏的名字叫 欢乐蹦蹦跳。游戏规则是 老师说 欢乐蹦蹦跳 同学们就问 谁来跳?老师说 女同学跳 女同学轻轻跳一下,如果老师说 男同学跳 男同学就轻轻跳一下。听明白了吗?准备好了吗?欢乐蹦蹦跳 女生跳。欢乐蹦...