
发布 2023-04-01 06:07:28 阅读 1277



一、 listen and number.12% (仔细听,给下列**标号。)

二、listen and match. 8%(听音,连线)

三。listen and number. 8% (听音,给下列**标号,对四题得满分 )

四、listen and match.10%(听音连线,做对五题得满分)

(1)it’s blue红色(hóng sè)

(2)it’s yellow绿色(lǜ sè)

3)it’s green白色(bái sè)

4)it’s black橙色(chéng sè)

5)it’s white粉色(fěn sè)

6)it’s pink蓝色(lá sè)

7)it’s orange黑色(hēi sè)

8)it’s red黄色(huáng sè)

五、 listen and tick. 16% (听音,选择正确的**打勾。)

六、 listen and write the numbers. 15% (请小朋友注意听听以下人物和动物的数量和图中一样吗,?一样的圈 ,不一样的圈×)

七、listen and number. (仔细听对话,给**标号,对4题得满分。) 16%

八、listen and write the answers. 15% (听算式,用数字写出得数,对5题得满分。)

1. four – three =

2. five + five =

3. two + seven =

4. eight – one =

5. nine – six =

6. ten – two =




一、 listen and number. 16% (仔细听,给下列**标号,对4题得满分。)

1. hello, my name is sam.

2. hi ,i’m panpan.

3. hello, i’m ms smart.

4. hello, i’m tweet-tweet.

5. hi, my name is amy.

6. hello , i’m a dog. my name’s bob.

二、listen and match. 9%(听音,连线)

1. good morning,boys.

2. how are you,amy?

3. goodbye,girls.

4. hello,i’m ms smart.

三、listen and match.10%(听音连线,做对五题得满分)

(1)it’s blue. (2)it’s yellow3)it’s green. (4)it’s black

5)it’s white. (6)it’s pink7)it’s orange. (8)it’s red

四、 listen and tick. 16% (听音,选择正确的**打勾,对4题得满分。)

1.--hello, daming. how are you?—i’m fine.

2. stand up.

3. good afternoon,my name’s lingling.

3. -hi, bird. what’s your name? -my name’s tweet-tweet..

4. open the window.

五、 listen and write the numbers. 15%请小朋友注意听听以下人物和动物的数量和图中一样吗,?一样的圈 ,不一样的圈×)

1. how many girls? three.

2. how many balls? five.

3. how many dogs? ten.

4. how many boys? seven.

5. how many pandas? eight

六、listen and number. (仔细听对话,给**标号,对4题得满分。) 16%

听课文m2,u1 中activity 1的录音 2 遍)

七、listen and write the answers. 15% (听算式,用数字写出得数,对5题得满分。)

1. four – three = 1

2. five + five = 10

3. two + seven = 9

4. eight – one = 7

5. nine – six =3

6. ten – two = 8


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