
发布 2023-03-24 21:33:28 阅读 4617


the first lesson.

i. teaching goals:

1. teach ss how to greet each other

2. let the students know the general principle of english class.

iii. type of the lesson: speaking and listening.

vi. teaching procedure

1. greeting

say hello\hi to everyone.

t: hello!

i say “hello”, you say “hello”, ok?

t: hello! \hi!

s: hello! \hi!

2. introduce myself and say hello to others.

t: i am ivy. ok, follow me, ivy.

s: ivy.

t: good!

i say “hello”, you say “hello, ivy”, ok?


s: hello, ivy.

t: hi!

s: hi, ivy!(say hello\hi to ss, then team work)

t: good! now, let’s learn a chant.

hello hello , hi hi ; hello hello , hi. (clap your hands)

3. teach “good morning” to ss.

“good good good, yeah yeah yeah.”

i say “good good good”, you say “yeah yeah yeah”.

straight my arms and say “morning”


team work.

4. the general principle of english class.




老师走进教室之后,老师说:“class begins”.班长喊:

“起立”,全班同学起立,大声地说“good morning,miss zeng”,老师问好之后,同学们整齐地坐下,安静地等待上课。






b)作业得到great!即三个笑脸。 一朵。











4. conclusion

review “hello\hi\good morning\ivy”.

5. homework



6. add:

are you ready? yes, i am ready.

one two three. three two one.

attentionone two.

follow mefollow you.


got it?

good good good. yeah yeah yeah.

眼睛看**? 眼睛看tv。


one two, tie your shoe (1)

i. teaching contents:

new words: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

ii. teaching goals

the kids should master the new words.

iii. key points: practice the new words in different ways.

vi. difficult point: the pronunciation of the new words.

vi. teaching aids: word cards.

vii. type of the lesson: speaking and listening.

viii. teaching procedure

step 1. warming up.

say “hello” chant.

step 2. greeting

hello! hi! good morning!

i say “good good good” ,ss say “yeah yeah yeah”.

step 3. leading in.

let s1to draw a tree on the blackboard. let s2to draw some apples on it. then, let ss to count how many apples there are.

today, we will learn to count numbers in english.

step 4. new lesson

1. presentation.

t: i say “follow me”, you say “follow you”, ok?

s: ok.

t: follow me.

s: follow you.

show the picture of the number one)

t: one

ss: one

t: show me your fingers, and say “one”.

s: one

teach numbers from one to ten.

2. practice

t does , ss say.

t does the actions of the new words, ss say

s1 does, ss say.

bomb game.

count numbers from one to ten. (team work: let h**e a small competition to practice again.)

3. conclusion

learn a chant:

one two, ×three four, ×

five six, ×seven eight, ×

nine tenmeans clap hands)

3. homework: to count numbers after class.


one two, tie your shoe (2)

i. teaching contents:

1. review the numbers from one to ten.

2. new phrases: tie your shoe touch the floor

stir and mix sit and wait

count again

ii. teaching goals

the students should master the words and phrases.

iii. key points

practice the phrases and the children rhyme.

vi. difficult point

read the phrases and recite the children rhyme.

vi. teaching aids: ppt

vii. type of the lesson: speaking and listening

viii. teaching procedure

step 1. warming up.

no 1, no 1, i’m no 1. yeah~

step 2. greeting

hello. hi. good morning.

good good good, yeah yeah yeah.

step 3. leading in.

play the ppt, and count numbers from one to ten together.


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