
发布 2023-03-23 22:34:28 阅读 1516

教学内容:songs and chants :follow me everyday english表达自己想上厕所 i want to go to the washroom.


2)学生能用i want to go to the washroom.表达想上厕所的想法。


教学重难点:能用英语i want to go to the washroom.表达想去厕所的想法。


教学过程。step 1 warm up

1. greeting:热身活跃课堂气氛,引领学生进入英语学习状态。

1) good morning, boys and girls.

2) say good morning each other.

3) show the pictures to the students ( bird

bee sky tree), let the students say good morning to them.

4) perform: good morning. 教师**攀登教学碟,孩子们结合动作自由欢快地大声哼唱歌曲。

5)evaluation ( add the stars to the best

groups in blackboard.)


1)t:may i come in? ss:come in please . t:thank you


2)perform: who can try?请个别小组上台展示。

3)evaluation (add the stars to the best groups in blackboard.)

step 2 presentation

1. songs and chants: fellowme.

1) watch and listen(2times)学生认真看仔细听光盘学习歌谣,及时对学生表现作出评价。

2) listen and repeat(2times)学生仔细听大胆跟读,教师及**价。

3)do the ations跟着教师边做动作边学习歌曲童谣。


2. everyday english: :i want to go to the washroom. ok.

1)watch and listen(2times)学生认真看仔细听光盘学习日常英语,及时对学生表现作出评价。

2) listen and repeat(2times)学生仔细听大胆跟读,教师及**价。

3) task ss answer,then change.师问生答,生问师答,生生问答。

step3 practice. cartoon english

1.play vcd unit three .

2.playtime (repeat)

step 4 sum up 总结本课。


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