
发布 2021-05-21 23:53:28 阅读 8740

讲学稿unit 3 this is my sister.

教学过程]一。 语言目标(language goals)

介绍人(introduce people)

识别人(identify people)

二。 语言功能。


三。 重点句型。

1. is this / that…? yes, it is.

/ no, it isn’t. it’s … 2. this is my brother.

that is (that’s)my sister. 3. these are his brothers.

those are my friends. 4. is she / he your sister?

yes, she / he)is. /no, she / he isn’t. 5.

are they …?yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

6. she is (she’s)/ he is (he’s)… they are… 7. is guo peng your…?

yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

四。 主题词表。


五。 目标语言。

1. this is my brother.

2. these are my friends.

3. that’s my brother.

4. those are my brothers.

5. -is that your sister?

-no, she isn’t.

6. thanks for the photo of your family.

六。 口语交际:

1. 介绍他人:

this is … that is …

these are … those are …

2. 识别他人。

(1)-is this / that lisa / mike…?

-yes, she / he is.

no, she / he isn’t.

(2)-are these / those your friends…?

-yes, they are.

-no, they aren’t.

七。 重点词汇及短语。

词组:thanks for 为……而感谢 very much 非常。

see you soon回头见pen friend(penpal)笔友。

family tree家谱。

八。 1. 指示代词,this这,that那,these这些,those那些的用法。

2. 人称代词。

3. 名词的复数。

九。 疑难解析。

1. 名词复数。


2. 介绍人和询问人。

△在unit 2中,我们学习了指示代词this / that用来指代物品,在本单元中,我们将学习指示代词指代人。当向别人介绍某人时,常用句型。

(1)this is … that is …用于介绍单个的人(见starter unit 2)。

(2)these are … those are … 用于介绍两个或两个以上的人。如:these are my grandparents.


△询问人时除了用指示代词this,that,these,those外,还可以用人称代词,如she, he, 但要注意答语。

is this / that ..的回答用it替代this 和that。

如is this your sister? yes, it is.


如:is he your brother? yes, he is.

询问人物时还可用who’s this / that? 句型。回答时主语用it,也可仍用this或that。(详见starter篇)如:

“who’s this? ”it’s diana.”“这位是谁?”“这位是黛安娜。”

“who’s that boy? ”it’s jack, my brother.”“那个男孩是谁?”“他是杰克,我的弟弟。”

3. these, those和they的用法。


these / those are my / his / her bags.


what are these / those? 这些/那些是什么?

they are books(they’re books). 是书。

are these / those maps? 这/那些是地图吗?yes, they are. 是的。

no, they aren’t. 不是的。

4. 人称代词。




(1)who’s kate? 凯特是谁?

she’s my friend. 她是我的朋友。

注:she代替上文中的kate,而不能再用kate来重复回答:kate is my friend.

(2)li lei is a boy. he’s twelve.



(3)look at that bird. it is polly.


注:it代替前句中的that bird。

(4)who’s it?(门外有敲门声)谁呀?

it’s me. 是我。



n.铅笔。n.书。n.橡皮。n.箱 盒。n.书包。n.字典 词典。n.老师 教师。n.棒球。n.表 手表。n.计算机 电脑。n.游戏 运动 比赛。n.卡片。n.笔记本。n.戒指。n.袋 包。n.图书馆。n.教室。n.电子邮件。n.一套 一副 一组。pron.他的。pron.我的。pron.她的。v....

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