
发布 2020-03-15 01:06:28 阅读 5238

八年级英语上unit 3复习教案。



八年级英语(上) unit 3where are you doing for vacation ?【学习目标】




1.计划 (v3.远足___离开 __7.

送着名的10. nature11.骑 __13.

结束14. tourist15.忘记多久18.

get back19.以而着名20. go camping21.

做完某事22. a lot23.考虑 a good time25.

去度假 bike hiking27.决定28. le**e for


1). what are you doing for vacation ?-i'm babysitting my sister.

2). i'm spending time with my friends .3).

that sounds nice.

4). show me your photos when you get back to school.5). how's the weather ?

6). how long is he staying ?-he's staying for a week.

7). who are you going with ?8).

i can't wait !

9). this time i want to do something different.(一)学以致用。


1. -what are you __this weekend?--i'm going to the dob.

doingc. doesd. to do2.

we are __for vacation .a. go to campc.

going campb. go campingd. going camping

is planning __his friends in visitsb. visitc. visitingd. to plan __very interesting .

a. soundsb. hearsc.

listensd. listens to5. may i ask you __questions about it ?

a. fewb. somec.

littled. any



1、现在进行时可表示为将来安排好的活动和事件,通常需要一个表示时间的状语。2、come, go, le**e, arrive, fly等动词用现在进行时描述行程安排,通常表示将要发生的动作。



1. jimplay ) computer games this evening, he doesn't want to go to the movies.2.

the girlle**e ) japan next week.

3. wego ) to the beach and ( go ) swimming this weekend.

4. dalian is a beautiful city. iplan ) to go there for vacation next summer.


) is no bus at the moment . i h**e to __home by get back tob. get to backc.

get backd. get to() song sounds very __a. funb.

nicec. welld. friend

) brother finished___the story-book yesterday. he return it to the to readb. to writing() the book to me, jim .

a. buyb. makec.

showd. h**e

) are going to hainan __their onb. inc. ford. to

) 6. i want to __a car to drive. i should pay 200 yuan a buyb. rentc. used. sell

) 7. she decides __a digital to buyb. buyingc. boughtd. buys

) 8. she couldn't wait __home to see her parentsa. for gettingb.

to getc. gettingd. get

) 9. there's __with my computer. it works nothing wrongb.

anything wrongc. wrong somethingd. something wrong

) 10. _lei feng is no longer living, his spirit (精神) lives on ifb. whenc.

althoughd. because从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话tina

ben : i'm going hiking in the mountains for a

ben : i'm going to tibit .

tina: that sounds interesting !ben

tina: i'm visiting my friends in hong just for five : welltina: thank you

a. what are you doing for vacation?b. how about you ?

b. h**e a good how long are you staying there?e.

where are you going for vacation?(二)延伸拓展书面表达:

爸爸妈妈给了你无限的爱,你肯定会把这份深情牢记在心,而你是否曾用适当的方式表达过你对爸爸妈妈的爱呢?以为love for my parents题记叙你为爸爸妈妈做过的一件事情,来表达你对他们的情感,60-80词之间。



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