八年级 上 英语Unit1 Unit3阶段测试题

发布 2022-12-29 23:43:28 阅读 7715



一、ⅰ.词汇, 每小题1分, 共10分。

a. 看中文写单词, 注意单词的适当形式。

1. i h**e a头痛 ) so i should see a doctor .

am going to h**e a long summer假期).

often锻炼 ) on weekends .

goes to the south to探望)his uncle.

think going野营)in the forest is a good activity.

6. we walk with our l

7. yesterday i had a bad cso i didn't go to school.

8. there is much w___in the river.

9. she was very tand soon she fell asleep in bed.

10. he is very tplease give him a cup of tea.

b. 把下列词组译成中文。

down and rest

the healthy

oftenii. 用词的适当形式填空( 10 分)

was ill yesterday , but i feelwell)today.

goes to the moviestwo)a week.

m worried because my mother ishealthy).

going tohike ) in the mountains .

s important for you to eat abalance)diet.

iii. 句型转换,(10分)

1. i am staying in tibet for a week . 对划线部分提问)

are you staying in tibet ?

2. she has a backache. (对划线部分提问)


3. i’m babysitting my sister .(同义句 )

i’mmy sister .

4. i usually go to the movies.(对划线部分提问)

do you go to the movies?

often visits his uncle.(改为一般疑问句)

he oftenhis uncle?

6. my sister is ill. i must take care of her at home.(改为同义句)

my sister is ill. i musther at home.

7. lin tao often helps me with my chinese. (对划线部分提问)

does lin tao help you with your chinese?

8. tom goes to bed at ten in the evening. (改为否定句)

tomto bed at ten in the evening.

9. they always see a film on saturdays. (改为同义句)

they alwayson saturdays.

10. i sleep nine hours every night. (对划线部分提问)

do you sleep every night?

iv. 动词填空。(10分) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. li ying___be) born in 1986.

2. listen!our english teacher___speak) at the meeting.

3. we'll go to the park if it___not rain) tomorrow.

4. half an hour later, she___meet) her husband outside the park gate.

5. you may___go) there a little earlier next time.

6. don't___disturb) others when you are in the room.

7. you'd better___not play) football in the street.

8. the smiths wanted___live) in china.

9. the young man___help) granny to clean the house last sunday.

10. my sister___write) a letter yesterday.

11. mr johnson likes___watch) tv in the evening.

12. he___go) fishing yesterday.

13. what___you___do) this weekend?

14. listen! someone___sing) in the next room.

15. mrs beet___drive) very fast to work every day.


) 26.—_does your brother tr**el every year?

by boat.

a. a. how much b. how c. how many d. how often

) 27. —do you go to see your grandparents?

twice a week.

a. how often b. how many c. when d. how

) 28. —whatshe __on weekends?

she usually rents radios.

a. is, dob. does, does c. do, do d. does, do

) 29. —is that your guandpa?

yes, he is. although he is very oldhe works very hard.

a. andb. butcd. so

) 30. —do you know when

she hasn’t decided

a. is kate le**ingb. does kate le**e

c. kate is le**ingd. kate has left

) 31. —work hard, tonyyou’ll make greater progress in your studies.

—thank you! mr. black, i will.

a. andb. butc. ifd. or

) 32. —there’s __wrong with my computer, so it can’t work well.

—don’t worry. i will help you.

a. a littleb. anything c. something d. nothing

) 33. —is walking after supper good __bad __your health?

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4.问多长时间 how long are you staying?for four days.i m going to tibet for a week.how long are you going to tibet?back come back get back 回来get back here t...