
发布 2020-03-11 20:49:28 阅读 2990

4.问多长时间 —how long are you staying?— for four days.

i’m going to tibet for a week.-how long are you going to tibet?

back , come back , get back 回来get back here/there/home;get back to+ he got back to school.

sb sth=send sth to sb.(give,pass,show,tell) send me a postcard from hong kong. show sb.

sth.=show sth. to sb.


give me the book=give the book to me给我书,pass me the cup=pass the cup to me把杯子递给我,sell me the house=sell the house to me把房子卖给我。

teaching section a

1. 用现在进行时态表示一般将来时态。 强调某个动作已经计划好即将按照计划去执行eg:

a: what are you doing for vacation, lin hui?(林辉,放假准备干什么呢?

)b: i'm going to tibet for a week.(我要去**旅游一周现在进行时表一般将来时常用的动词有:

go;le**e;come;die等非延续动词。(tomorrow,next week,the day after tomorrow)eg:he’s flying to beijing next week.

(now,at the moment,listen,look,be quiet连用,表示现在进行时)。eg:look!

she is listening to music.

a.what are you doing for vacation? i’m babysitting my sister.


b.who are you going with? i’m going with my parents.你要和谁一起去?我要和父母一起去。

c.when is he going camping? he is going on the 12th of february, 2005.

d.i’m going to tibet for a week.我要去**一周。

e.what are you doing there? i’m going hiking in the mountains.


f.where are you going for vacation? i’m going tohawaiifor vacation.


g.i’m going to hawaii for vacation in december, and i’m staying for three weeks.我要在12月去夏威夷度假,在那里呆3个星期。

vacation度假,强调目的,放在句末,on vacation在度假,强调状态,take a vacation去度假,强调动作。

walks ==go for a walk=take a walk=h**e a walk=h**e walks散步go out for a walk出去散步take a vacation=take vacations=go on vacation = h**e a vacation=h**e vacations 去度假take a long/short/very relaxing vacation,he is going to hong kong for are on vacation in photos=take a photo of是拍照本人for不一定是拍照本人。

听起来sound like+n/ sounds interesting/nice. that sounds like a good idea.

section b

a bike to school/work=go to school/work by bike/on the bike. go bike riding.

sth from sb/sp.向某人租东西或从某地租某东西。rent sth to sb把某东西租给某人。rent videos租借影碟。

wrongew\different \to eat.

sp离开某地le**e for sp=be going tosp前往某地,le**e sp for sp离开某地区某地le**e sth for sb把某物留给某人。when the train le**ing?when do you usually le**e home?

mr green is le**ing for tibet next am le**ing shanghai for beijing. please le**e a book for him. he is le**ing the first week in june and staying until september.


forget+n/pron;forget+to do sth.忘记要去做某事 forget doing sth忘记做过的某事。remember

5. finish doing 完成做某事。 i will finish___work )out the problem in another two minutes .

please don’t forget to close the door when you le**e.你离开时,请别忘记关门。

about/of +n/pron/ving. 考虑干某事he thought about __go ) to beijing on vacation . he thought about going togreeceorspain, but decided oncanada.



decide ( not ) to do sth=make a decision (not) to do sth=make up one’s mind (not) to do sth=decide on+n/doing. he has decided to le**e for wuhan .=he has __a __to le**e for wuhan.

=he has __up his___to le**e for wuhan.

a lot,a lot=very&very much. 许多i like swimming a lot. exercise a lot.

wait to do sth. 迫不及待地干某事i can’t wait __open)the tv when i get home . she couldn’t wait to get home to see he parents.


one’s last movie.

good place to go si a good place to study. i want to ask you about places to visit in china.。


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