
发布 2020-03-11 20:36:28 阅读 7988

新课标英语八年级上unit 10模拟试卷。

unit 10 i’m going to be a basketball player.



a part-time job




a new language

9.同时。professional player


根据句意和首字母完成单词:5%1. john always s

part of his pay each month.

he wants to buy a cell phone with the money.

2. maria is going to tr**el s

interestingwith her friends next time.

3. i hear the workers are b

a subway in the city.

4. paul wants to be an e

he studies math very hard.

5. all the students of class 2 made their new

year’s r

at the beginning of this term.


thatwillmakehimrichandfamous.(exhibition)2. what are you going

when you grow up ? be)3. lucy wants

a lot of exercise ever week. (get)


everyday.(act)5. her parents make her

a new language. (learn)ⅳ选择:10%1.

should write articles about different people. so he often visits the computer programmer

b. the journalist

c. engineer

d. airlinepilot2.

going to sweep the floor?a. what are you

b. what do you

c. how are you

d. how do you3. where is my book on computer? i can’t find it

a. anywhere

b. somewhere

c. nowhere

d. someplace4. he practices english every day so he always

a. does a part-time job

b. plays instrumentsc. gets good grades

d. makes him healthy5. we are going to

a. talk writing articles

b. talk about write articles

c. talking about writing articles

d. talk about writing articles6. mr white is going

for his summer vacation.

what the boy said

an exciting sounds

b. sounds like

c. likes

d. looks

18. what are you going to do

a. now

b. last sunday

c. next week

d. every day9. our school is going to

a welcome

party next monday.

a. join

b. take part in

c. give

d. h**e10. the woman wants to find a job

a like

b. for

c. asd. inⅴ请先将下列的单词排成问句,然后根据实际情况回答:

10%1. is, best, your, what, friend, to, going, beq:

a:2. going, where, you, are, move, toq:a:

3. your, uncle, is, to, going, beijingq:a:

4. your, to, going, part-time, get, job, are, aq:

a:5. are, what, going, you, do, to, year, nextq:


it’s our duty to make our city more clean.(ab

c2. toronto sounds a city that we could enjoy. ( ab

c3. the green family are going to move paris next year. (ab

c4. the old man said he found a work as a teacher. (ab

c5. i want to tr**el funny somewhere and see new things. (ab


a: i will be a basketball i think

d. when you grow up

e. nothing is too difficult

a: what are you going to be

b: i can’t decide. maybe

a: sounds interesting.

b: yes. but

can’t you see that i am stronger and healthier?

a: oh, yes.


lucy: did you make a new year’s resolution this year, kim?

kim:yes, lucy, i did.

lucy:are you going to do?

kim:well, i’m going to make the soccer team.

manuel: how are you going to do

kim:i’m going to

practice really hard, and i’m going to go to a summer camp. i’mgoing to

soccer every day there.

manuel: how

you, lucy? did you make a

resolution?lucy: oh, sure. i’m going to

to play

an cool. how are you going to do that?

lucy: i’m going to

piano lessons.

kim:how about you, manuel?


new year’s resolution is to get


kim:how are you going to do that?

manuel: i’m going to study hard

do my homework every day.

lucy: that


help, read , write, give, good, in, about, on, so, tell, hard, look



i h**e a new diary. my mother

it to me this morning. it has a can open my diary but me. i am going to write

it every

our ambitions(理想). i am only thirteen years old. i don’t know my future.

i might betall, i might be rich, i might be happy—or i might be the yun is sure thati will h**e a good future. he says that i’m good at

people and i

can be adoctor. that is a good goal. to be a doctor, i need to learn a lot in school.

i am a goodstudent,buticanbe


in the class

a page for our book of predictions(预言). maybe wheni’m older, i will take my key, open the lockand

this diary. will i be a doctor?i hope


tom is a famous writer now. but he said he was not a good student when he wasyoung. he was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework.

sometimes thoughthe understood everything. one day the teacher asked the studentsaquestion, “when mike was ten years old, his brother was twenty. now mike is fifteenand how oldishisbrother?

” tomsaid,”that’s easy. his brother istwice as oldasmike, so he is thirty now.”another time, the teacher in a science classasked,“whenit thunders(打雷),why do we alwayssee the light before we hear the sound?

”but,sir,”said tom quickly, “don’t you know our eyes are in front

of our ears?”


1. what’s tom now?

2. was he a good student when he way young?

33. is mike tom’s brother?

4. how old is mike’s brother when mike is fifteen?

5. wastom’s teacher pleased or angry?

二)the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west. when the sun rises, itis morning. when the sun sets(日落), it is evening.

when the sun is shining, it is is thetime between sunrise and twelve o’clock, or between sunrise and 当头)at noon. the sun shines during he day. the moon and the stars shineduring the night.

when the sun rises, it is light. it’s light during the day. during thenight,ifthemoonisnotshining, in winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

(1. the sun rises in the

and sets in the

a. north, south

b. west, east

c. south, north

d. east, west(

2. morning is the time between sunrise and

b. supper

c. eleven o’clock

d. breakfast

3. at noon the sun is

a. not overhead

b. the highest in the sky

c. setting

d. shining(

4. when the moon shines, it is during the

a. night

b. day

c. dark

d. evening

5. in summer, nights are

than the short

b. longer

c. shorter

d. long







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