
发布 2020-03-11 20:35:28 阅读 5717


一、h**e fun doing sth.

句型介绍】意为\"做某事有乐趣\",其中h**e fun相当于enjoy oneself,表示过得愉快。


1.英语中的集体名词,如family, class, team等作主语时,若作为一个整体看,其后的谓语动词用单数;若强调其组成成员,谓语动词用复数。如:

my family is a happy one.我家是个幸福的家庭。

my family are all watching tv.我们全家人都在看电视。



he runs faster than i / me.他跑得比我快。

they get to school earlier than we / us every day.他们每天都比我们到校早。


i like you more than he. (i like you more than he likes you.)我比他更喜欢你。

i like you more than him. (i like you more than i like him.)你和他相比,我更喜欢你。


do you h**e anything to say about this?有关这件事你有没有什么要说的?


tom does better at the lessons than i (do).汤姆功课比我好。

she ate less than i (did) for breakfast.她早饭吃得比我少。5.you\'d better ..

是you had better ..的缩写形式。had better为固定短语,意为\"最好。

后接动词原形,常用来提出建议或劝告,其否定形式是\"hadbetter not +动词原形\"。如:

you\'d better not stay there too long.你最好别在那里呆得太久。

we had fun playing computer games.我们玩电脑游戏很愉快。

句式比较】h**e a good / nice / wonderful time doing sth.做某事有乐趣。

did you h**e a good / nice / wonderful time visiting that country?访问那个国家你们快乐吗?


二、but i don\'t know what to do.


i don\'t know how to get her help.我不知道怎样才能得到她的帮助。

where to buy this kind of seed is unknown to me.我不知道去哪儿购买这种种子。

my question is when to le**e for tokyo.我的问题是什么时候去东京。


i don\'t know where we can find her.我不知道在哪儿能找到她。

how she will go there is still a secret.她怎么去那里还是一个谜。

her question is how she can pass the exam.她的问题是她怎样才能通过这次考试。


三、this is ..speaking.


hello! this is tom (speaking).你好,我是汤姆。


isthat ..speaking)?你是。


this is mary (speaking). who is that (speaking)?我是玛丽,你是谁?

is that jane (speaking)?你是詹妮吗?


四、hear sb. /sth. doing


just then i heard someone crying \"help! help!\"就在那时,我听见有人在喊\"救命啊!救命!\"

句式比较】hear sb. /sth. do sth.听见某人/物做某事,句中do为不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,表动作已经结束,强调一个结果。

i heard him sing three songs.我听见他唱了三首歌。

hear sb. /sth. done听见某人/物被。done为动词的过去分词作宾语补足语,强调被动。

do you often hear this song sung by him?你经常听见他唱这首歌吗?

特别提醒】在这些句型中的hear可换成see, feel, watch等感官动词。




a waste of time浪费(白费)时间。

field trip野外旅游。

the day after tomorrow后天。

terra cotta warriors兵马俑。

thanksgiving day感恩节。

on mid-autumn day / festival在中秋节。


go fishing去钓鱼。

go boating去划船。

go hiking去徒步旅行。

go on a picnic去野餐。

trip over(被。绊倒。

hurry up赶快。

get home回家。

get together相聚。

agree with ..同意。意见(想法);符合。

ask for请求;询问。

come up走近;发生;上来;流行。

come over过来;抓住。


in the open air在户外;在野外。

on time准时。

at the front / back of在前/后面。

in front of在。前面。

in the country在乡下。

in town在城里。

on the left /right side在左/右边。

up and down上上下下;来来回回。


not) .any more再也不;不能再。

all the same仍然;还是。

had better (do)最好(做。八年级8-14单元重点句型作者:郝昌明。

一、i\'m sorry to hear that.


i didn\'t pass the exam.我没通过这次考试。

i\'m sorry to hear that.真遗憾。

my grandfather died yesterday.我的祖父昨天去世了。

i\'m sorry to hear that.我很难过。

知识拓展] 1. i\'m glad to hear that.我真高兴听到那事。

i h**e managed to buy a ticket for tonight\'s film.我设法买到了今晚的电影票。

i\'m(very)glad to hear that.真替你高兴。

2. congratulations.恭喜你。

i\'ve just married a beautiful girl.我刚刚娶了一位漂亮姑娘。


二、be good for


is swimming good for your health?游泳有益于你的身体健康吗?

i think timely rain is good for the crops.我认为适时地下雨对庄稼生长有好处。

知识拓展] be good to对。友好;be good at擅长。

she is always good to me.她对我一直很友好。

she is good at singing popular songs.她擅长唱流行歌曲。

三、ask sb. for sth.


can i ask you for help?你能帮帮我吗?

to tell you the truth, when i h**e trouble, i always ask her for advice.跟你说老实话,每当我有麻烦时总向她征求意见。

知识拓展] ask for sth.要求得到某物;ask for sb.要求见某人。

yesterday he asked me for money.昨天他向我要钱。

did anybody ask for me during my absence?我不在的时候有人找过我吗?

四、be born in


he was born in a small town in 1995. 2023年他出生于一个小镇上。

in which city was he born in 1988?2023年他出生在哪一个城市?

知识拓展] be born of出生于。家庭。

it is said that he was born of a teacher\'s family.据说他出生于教师的家庭。

五、good luck with sth.


good luck with your exam.祝你考试好运。

good luck with your journey.祝你旅途顺利。

知识拓展] good luck to sb.祝。好运。

good luck to you.祝你好运。

六、get married to


she got married to a foreigner last year.去年她和一个老外结了婚。

did she get married last year?她是去年结婚的吗?

知识拓展] be married to \"和。结婚\",强调状态。

she was married to li ping.她嫁给了李平。

值得注意的是,get married to属终止性动词短语,不可和表示时间段的状语连用,但be married to却可以,因为它是持续性动词短语。

七、would you like to ..


would you like to give me some help?你愿意给我提供一些帮助吗?

would you like to repair this bike for me?你愿意为我修这辆自行车吗?

知识拓展] will / would you please ..please后面应接动词原形,含义为\"你愿意。吗\"。

will you please water these flowers?请你给这些花浇水,好吗?

would you please give me some money?你给我点儿钱,好吗?

八、thanks a lot for ..

句型介绍]该句为感谢用语,含义为\"非常感谢。也可说成thank you verymuch for ..for为介词,后面可接名词、代词、动名词。

thanks a lot for your kind help.感谢您友好的帮助。

thank you very much for coming to see me.感谢你来看我。

知识拓展] be thankful to sb. for sth.因某事对某人感激。

i\'m thankful to you for your kindness.感谢您的好意。

九、last from ..to ..


our sports meeting will last from friday to sunday.我们的运动会将从星期五持续到星期日。

their summer camp will last from october 1st to november 1st.他们的夏令营将从10月1日持续到11月1日。

知识拓展] go on to ..延续到。


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