
发布 2020-03-11 21:16:28 阅读 5782


1. go, walk

go 表示“离去”,不一定都是指步行走路 go 往往与带介词 to 的地点状语或带 by 的行为方式状语连用其主语可以是表示人物或非生物的名词或代词例如:

people in the cities often go and help them. 城里的人经常去帮助他们

he will go to beijing by plane. 他将乘飞机去北京

my watch doesn’t go. 我的表不走了

walk 指步行或漫无目的地散步其主语通常是人例如:

i walk to school sometimes. 我有时候步行去上学

we are going to walk there. 我们将步行去那里

they are walking along the street. 他们沿着大街散步


he walked/went to the window. 他向窗口走去

注意: walk 不能与短语 on foot 连用,但 go 可以与 on foot 连用试译:他每天步行上学

误: he walks to school on foot every day.

正: he goes to school on foot every day.

2. city, town

city 的意思是“城市”“都市”,一般指大而重要的城市例如:

shanghai is a big city. 上海是个大城市

there are many cities in england. 英国有许多城市

town的含义是“城镇”,指比 village(村庄)大,比 city 小的市镇town 也常作 countryside(农村)的相对用语例如:

our town is not big. 我们的城镇不大

he was born in a small town near nanchang. 他出生在南昌附近的一个小镇里

注意: 我们能说 go to the city 或 go to town,但不能说 go to city

3. worry, worried

worry 可用作及物动词或不及物动词它作及物动词用时,意为“使烦恼”“使担忧“其后的宾语通常是表示人的名词或代词例如:

what’s worrying you? 什么事使你烦恼?

worry 作不及物动词用时,意为“发愁”,“担心”,常与介词 about 连用例如:

on the way home she began to worry. 在回家的路上,她开始着急起来

you don’t h**e to worry about that. 你不必为那件事心里不安

worry 用作不可数名词时,意为“烦恼”“担心” worry 用作可数名词时,意为“烦恼的事”例如:

he was showing signs of worry on his face. 他面带忧虑的神色

his life was full of worries. 他的生活里充满了烦恼的事情

what a worry that child is! 那个小孩子好不叫人担心!

worried 可用作形容词,意为“担心的”,“烦恼的”,常与 be, look, feel 等连系动词连用例如:

your father is really worried. 你父亲确实很忧虑

he looked worried and ill. 他显得忧虑,且带有病色

“be worried about...意为“为……担心”例如:

she is worried about her children. 她为孩子们担心

4. by bus, on a bus

by bus 与 on a bus 都有“乘公共汽车”的意思 by bus 是习惯用语, bus 前面不能加冠词类似的短语还有 by train, by bike, by plane, by boat, by ship 等例如:

she goes to school by bike every day. 她每天骑车上学

he went there by boat yesterday. 昨天他坐船去那里

表示交通工具的名词前面有 a, the, his 等限定词修饰时,其前通常用 in 或 on(用 on 是美国英语)而不用 by例如:

we go to school on/in a bus. 我们乘公共汽车上学

he usually goes to work in/on his own car. 他通常乘自己的小汽车上班

表示交通工具的名词前面有表示时刻的词语修饰时,用 by 或 on 都可以例如:

we’ll go by/on the eleven o’clock train. 我们将乘十一点的火车去

注意:表示“骑自行车”时,应该用 by bike或on a bike, 不应该用 in a bike试译:有多少学生将骑自行车来?

误: how many students will come in a bike?

正: how many students will come by bike?

5. quick, fast, soon

quick 是形容词,表示“动作短促迅速”,也可指“人的思维敏捷,反应灵敏”其副词形式为 quickly 例如:

be quick, or we’ll be late. 快点,不然我们就要迟到了

after a quick breakfast, he went to school by bike. 他很快吃完早饭,骑上自行车上学去了

fast 指“人或物的运动速度快”它既可以用作形容词,也可以用作副词例如:

are you going there by the fast train? 你打算乘快车去那里吗?

li ming runs very fast. 李明跑得很快

soon 侧重指两件事情先后发生,中间间隔的时间很短,常被译为“马上不久”例如:

i want to see him soon. 我想马上见到他

we’ll start very soon. 我们马上出发

6. ill, sick

ill 和 sick 作形容词用时,都有“患病的”“不健康的”之意但两者在含义和用法上不完全一样:

(1) 英国人习惯用 ill 作表语,美国人习惯用 sick 作表语

(2) ill 表示“患病的”这一意思时,一般用作表语,不可置于名词前面作定语;而 sick 既可作表语又可作定语我们可以说“sick men“或“the sick”,但不能说“ill men“或“the ill”又如:

does she often get ill? 她经常生病吗?

he was ill/sick in bed last week. 上周他卧病在床。



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