八年级 上 英语半期测试

发布 2020-03-11 21:17:28 阅读 5054








)1. a. once b. three times c. four times

)2. a. thursday b. friday c. saturday

)3. a. h**e a good time b. h**e a good rest c. h**e the flu

)4. a. eight b. sevenc. six

)5. a. clean b. healthy c. fresh

第二节 (每题1分,共5分)


)6. a. once b. twice c. four times

)7. a. he has to study hard. b. he has a headache. c. he’s stressed out.

) didn’t know. b. it’s very near. c. it’s a little far.

)9. a. about two kilometersb. four kilometers c. three kilometers

)10. a. 0.5 hour b. 1 hour c. 1.5 hour



)11. what does jane want to do this afternoon?

a. to do some reading b. to see a movie c. to h**e aswim

)12. what time will they le**e?

a. at 4:00 at 3:20 c. at 4:30


)13. what is the woman?

a. a teacherb. a reporter c. policewoman

)14. how often does the man exercise?

a. three times a week b. every day c. four times day

( )the man often go shopping?

a. yes, very often. b. yes, sometimes c. no, never.

第四节 (每题1分,共5分)听短文,选择正确答案。读两遍。

)16. mary isgirl.

a. a twelve year-old b. an eleven-year-old c. a ten-year-old

)17. she went to school___

a. on footb. by bikec. by bus

) 18. she didn’t go to school last week because___

a. she was ill b. her farther was ill c. she didn’t finish homework

)19. what did her mother do during the weekend? she___

a. cleaned the room b. washed clothes c. cooked good food for her

)20. mary stayed at home for___

a. some months b. some weeksc. some days



)21. let’s __them clean the classroom, shall we?

a. helpb. helpingc. to help

)22. ben always __before exams.

a. get stressed out b. gets stressed out c. is stressed

)23she had a headache.”

a. what’s the wrong with her?

b. what did she h**e?

c. what was the matter with her?

) is __he**y. he shouldn’t eat __junk food.

a. too much, much too b. much too , too much c. too much, too many

)25. he __learn an english song.

a. needn’t to b .doesn’t need c. doesn’t need to

) li has a toothache and he should___

a. eat something delicious b. see a dentist c. h**e a rest

) kind of __could you please give me something to drink?

a. angry b. hungry c. thirsty

) important and helpful for all of us __a balanced diet.

a. h**ing b. to h**e c. h**e

) was late this morning, he didn’t get up___7:30 this morning.

a. when b. toc. until

) farther isn’t in___he’ll come back in an hour.

a. at the moment b. just nowc. at that moment

)31. _my sister knows the way to the station, but i’m not sure.

a. maybeb. may be c. may

)32.__too late is __your health.

a. sleep ,good for b. sleeping, bad for c. to sleep, good for

) of them watch tv three __four __a week.

a. and, timeb. or, timec. or, times

) should eat___meat and take___exercises to keep healthy.

a. more, lessb. less ,morec. little, little

)35.__it isn’t good for health, _some children still like to eat junk food.

a. although, but b. \butc. although, \



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