
发布 2020-03-11 21:18:28 阅读 6379

unit 3 topic 3 what were you doing at this time yesterday?

八年级英语备课组:黄双秀 2023年11月28日。

重点短语:1. 练习小提琴 practice the violin 2. 接** answer the phone

3. 请稍等 hold the line, please. 4. 击鼓 play the drums

5. 英语角 english corner 6. 淋浴 take a shower

7. 搞清洁 do some cleaning 8. 听收音机 listen to the radio

9. 同意某人意见 agree with sb 10. 生某人的气 be angry with

11. 做鬼脸 make faces 12. 使我们大笑 make us laugh

13. 太… 而不能…too… to 14. 停止工作 stop working

15 .在19世纪早期 in the early 1800s


1. what were you doing at this time yesterday ?

2. i was taking a shower.

3. t hey weren’t playing the piano from 7 to 9 yesterday morning.

4. was she reading a news***** at seven last night?

yes, she was/no, she wasn’t.


5. i ( don’t ) agree with you . 我(不)同意你的看法。

6. i (don’t) think folk music is beautiful . 我认为民间**(不)动听。



1. –what were you doing at eight yesterday morning? –we __an english class.

a. are h**ing b. was h**ing c were h**ing d. is h**ing

2. i __tv when my parents came back home last night.

a. am watching b. was watching c. were watching d. watched

3. how __the students are studying!

a. carefulb. carefully c. cared. careless

4. we all agree __you. let’s start at once.

a. withb. forc. tod. of

5. –is that maria speakingshe is coming.

a. she is not in. b. i hope so. c. with pleasure. d. hold the line, please.

6. miss liu taught me __the violin.

a. playb. to play c. playingd. played

7. _bad weather! you’d better not go out.

a. whatb. what a c. how d. how a

8. _a shower is very relaxing.

a. takingb. take c. took d. takes

9. –may i __your bike? -sure, but you couldn’t __it to others.

a. borrow, borrow b. borrow, lend c. lend, lend d. lend, borrow

10. michael made faces in class and made the classmates___

a. laughb. to laugh c. laughing d. laughed

11. in 1995, the __weekend began in china.

a. two days b. two-days c. two-day d. two-day’s

12. he is __short __reach the apples on the tree.

a. so…that… b. enough…..to… c. too…to… d. to…to…

13. listen! someone __in the classroom.

a. was listening b. is listening c. are listening d. were listening

14. –who taught your brother englishhe taught himself.

a. nobody b. somebody c. anybody d. everybody

15. i used __tv at night, but now i don’t.

a. to watch b. watchc. watching d. watched


1. they were listening to their teacher at that time.(改为否定句)

theyto their teacher at that time.

2. we were playing the guitar.(改为一般疑问句)

the guitar?

3. he was not tall. he couldn’t reach the kites.(改为简单句)

he wasthe kite.

4. i was watching tv at this time yesterday.(画线部分提问)

at this time yesterday?

5. was she writing a letter at that moment?(做否定回答)

6. i think the computer is useful.(改否定句)

ithink the computeruseful.

7. how beautiful the flowers are! (改同义句 )

8. he was so tired that he couldn’t work on . 改同义句 )

he wastiredon.


1. 种花肯定很有趣must be great fun.

2. 通俗**很受年轻人的欢迎。

pop musicyoung people.

3. 我喜欢随着**跳舞。

ito music.

4. 这些油画非常值钱。

these paintings are

5. 在19世纪初,很多工人周一早上不上班。

many people didn’t go to work

on monday

6. 那个小孩太小不会走路。the child is __young __walk.

7. 杭州以西湖而闻名。

hangzhouwest lake.

8. 他们感到太累了,就停止了工作。

they felt too tired and

9. 我不同意你的观点。 i

10. 昨天这个时候你在干什么? 我在洗澡。

what __you

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