八年级英语 上 Unit3复习二

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八年级英语(上)unit 3复习二。

1、“be going to + 动词原形”表示将要做某事,突出计划、打算、安排要做的事,一般主语是人。主语是物时be going to 结构表示说话人根据某种迹象主观推测可能发生的事。常与表示将来的时间状语next month, next year, next week, tomorrow, soon, in an hour, in three days等连用。

we are going to h**e sports meeting next friday. 下周五我们将开运动会。

it’s going to be fine tomorrow.


2、“be + 动词-ing”

1) “be + 动词-ing”表示动词的现在进行时,指正在进行或发生的动作或事情。如:

he is doing his homework. 他正在做作业。

2) “be + 动词-ing”也可以表示近期的计划或马上要发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。

she is le**ing for shanghai this evening.


they are taking a long vacation this summer.


3、that sounds nice. 听起来好极了。

1) sound 在句中是连系动词,意为“听起来…”,其后面通常跟形容词作表语。如:

her voice sounds very sweet. 她的声音听起来很甜美。

the story sounds very interesting. 那个故事听起来很有趣。

2)sound 也可用作名词,意为“声音”,如:

i heard the sound of running water. 我听到了流水的声音。

4、show me your photos when we get back to school.


1) show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物如:

show him your new watch. =show your new watch to him. 把你的新手表给他看。

类似的结构还有: give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人。

buy sb. sth. =buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物。

2) back 这一副词常放在某些动词之后表示“回原处或原状”。

get back = return 回来、回去,类似的还有come back, be back, go back等。如:

when did you come back home ? 你是什么时候回到家的?

5、take a long vacation 度假。

英语中take 和h**e经常后接名词表示和名词相关的动作,故take a long vacation = h**e a long vacation,与此类似的还有:

take a seat = h**e a seat take a rest = h**e a rest

take a look at = h**e a look at

6、he thought about going to greece or spain, but decided on canada.


1) think about 意为“考虑、思考”,about是介词,后面不能接动词原形,要接动词-ing形式。如:

they are thinking about go hiking in the mountains. (误)

ther are thinking about going hiking in the mountains. (正)

2 )有关think的常用短语:

think of 意为“考虑、想起、想出”

think over 意为“仔细考虑”,代词作宾语时置于动词短语中间。如:

what do you think about/of this book?


please think it over. 请仔细考虑这件事。

) decide on 意为“决定”,后接作宾语的名词或代词;decide to do 则表示“决定去做某事”。

7、this time i want to do something different. 这次我想做些不同的事。

something 为不定代词,其修饰语different 要放其后面,不定代词的修饰语一般要放在不定代词之后。如:

i h**e something interesting to tell you.


she wants something new. 她想要一些新的东西。

8、relax 是动词“放松、使放松”,其形容词为relaxing, 意为“放松的、松弛的”。

如: don’t worry about it, please try to relax.


he wants to take a relaxing vacation.


9、i’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.


2) plan既可作为名词“计划”,其复数形式为plans;也可用作动词“计划、打算”, 后常接不定式形式( plan to do ),表示“打算去做…”。如:

do you plan to visit the history museum ?


3) spend意为“度过、花费(时间、金钱等)”其主语一般是人,常用的句式有:spend…on sth. spend…(in) doing sth.

如:how long do you spend on your homework everyday?

how long do you spend (in) doing your homework everyday?


10、i just finished ****** my last movie.


1)finish v. 意为“完成、结束”;

finish doing 指“做完某事”。

如:i finished doing my homework this morning.


when did you finish planting the trees?


2)make a movie 拍电影。


make money 赚钱 make tea 沏茶、泡茶。

make peace 讲和 make the bed 整理床铺。

make noise 发出噪音 make friends with 和…交朋友

make a fire 生火 make up one’s mind 下决心。

11 、le**e for… 意为“启程/动身去…”for之后的地点是目的地,是要去的地方,而不是离开的地方。le**e from…则是“从…离开”,from后面的地点是离开的地方。如:

we are le**ing for shanghai next week.


he is le**ing from hangzhou next week.


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