
发布 2020-08-11 12:36:28 阅读 6538


unit 3 my weekend plan a. let’s learn



本节课选自于pep英语六年级上册unit 3 my weekend plan a部分。对于六年级学生,课堂上的英语教学,除了让学生掌握知识技能以外,要重视学生的认知需求和体验需求。就六年级英语教材的人文性而言,英语课程承担了提高学生综合人文素质的任务。






知识目标:1. 学生能够听、说、读、写本课核心词组:

visit my grandparents,see a film, take a trip, go th the supermarket

能力目标:2. 学生能够运用核心句型what are you going to do today?

i’m going to see a film.在真实的情境中进行交流周末计划。




2、教学难点: 能够合理和科学地安排自己的周末生活教学** pictures, cai,五、教学过程:

step one: warming up and revision

1. sing a song together: what are you going to do?

2. free talk: what are you going to do tomorrow?

i’m going to…

step two: presentation and practice

1. present “ this morning, this afternoon, this evening”

1) what are you going to do this morning/ this afternoon/ evening?

s: i’m going to…

2) make the students understand the meaning.

3) write the words on the board, and spell the words.

2. present “tonight”

1) i’m going to read a book tonight. what are you going to do tonight?

2) understand the meaning: 通过日期和实践的选择让他们明白意思。

3) write the work on the board.

3. ask the sentence what are you going to doi’m going to __


1) read the words or phrases in the word bank.

2) practice in pairs.

3) feedback.

4. sarah and chen are talking about their plan, too. let’s listen and answer.

1) what is chen jie going to do today?

she is going to see a film.

choose the picture of “ see a film”

learn to say.

write it on the board.

2) what is she going to do next week?

she is going totake a trip)

choose the right picture of “take a trip”

read it and write it on the board.

3) what is sarah going to do this afternoon?

she is going tothe supermarket)

go to the supermarket---be going to the supermarket

spell the word and write it on the board.

4) what is she going to do tomorrow?

she is going to visit her grandparents

write the words on the board.

5. read the new words after the tape.

step three: cosolidation and extension

1. a task: it’s saturday morning now. two girls are asking the plan

let’s help them make a plan.

1) fill in when and what?

2) talk about the weekend plan

2. do the exercises on the ab.

what are you going to do?

this morning

this afternoon

this evening



六、板书设计:what are you going to do……?

i’m going to …

see a film

take a trip

go to the supermarket

visit grandparents


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