
发布 2023-03-17 19:08:28 阅读 9511

教学目标:1、 能够读懂read and write的小短文,2、 根据短文内容完成相应的练习。

3、 运用there be 结构描述自己的村庄。


教学难点:正确运用there be 结构描述自己的村庄。




listen and guess:what's this?

there is a light. there is a chair. thre is a desk.

there is a book shelf.

ss: it’s the study.

there are many trees. there are many flowers .there is a lake. there are many animals.

this is a zoo.



t: what’s the weather like? what’s the date?

what day is it todayare you helpful?

what can you do?

do you like your home?where is your house ?

how many rooms are there in your house?

what’s in your room ?

every s answers one by one.




we can our .we can trees and .just and .

our earth beautiful. there a river. are many fish i it.

there a lot of trees. there are birds in it. there are many grass under the tree.

i love earth.

t: who can give us the answers? (和学生对答后利用课件呈现正确答案)

we can help our earth. we can plant trees and flowers. just you and me.

our earth is beautiful. there is a river. there are many fish in it.

there are a lot of trees. there are many birds in it. there are many green grass under the tree.

i love our earth.


2)、t: right! we can help our earth. so our village is very nice.

now look at this photo. 班班通呈现deng ming居住的village的不完整**。

this is deng ming’s village. deng ming loves his hometown. and he lives in a village, too.

it’s also very beautiful! do you want to visit it?

ss: yes./ wow….

t: let’s h**e a look , that is dengming’s village.

3)描述**get the student to describe the picture.

t: what can you see ?

s1: i can see there are many mountains and houses.

s2: there is a river , a road and a lake.

s3: i can see some trees and green grass.



and write的学习。

(教师**deng ming 介绍village的录音。)


t play the tape and offer some questions for the student to disscuss:

what’s in the river? what’ t over the river?

what’s near the road?

s1: there are many fish in the river. but i can not see in the picture

s2: there is a bridge over the river. but i can not see in the picture

s3: there are many flowers near the road. but i can not see in the picture




t: yes. boys and girs, open your books, turn to page 81.

look at the picture and read the passage, then finish the sentences in practise 1.


(1)there isn’t a bridge over the river. (2)there are no fish in the river.

3)there are not flowers near the road.

4)there aren’t many trees in the village.



t: now close your books, please. i’m going to say the location of one of those sentences.

you h**e to listen and complete the sentence.

t: over the river. ss: there is a bridge over the river.

t: beside the river. ss:…

t: near the village. ss:…



t: let’s draw some missing things to finish the picture.(在河里添上几条鱼,在路上添上几辆车,在路边的草地上添上一些花。)


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