七年级上册Unit 3导学案

发布 2023-02-28 02:50:28 阅读 6140

unit 3 this is my sister.

重点短语:family tree 家谱 thanks for 为……而感谢 the photo of your family 你的全家照。

重点句型:this / that is ……用于介绍别人的句型)

thanks for = thank you for + n / v-ing. 为……而感谢。

here + be + 名词(名词作主语)

语法知识:1. 指示代词these , those 的用法:

1) these 是this 的复数形式,指距离较近的人和事物。

2) those 是that 的复数形式,指距离较远的人或事物。

3) 复数代词 these / those 做主语时,be动词要用are ,后面的名词用复数形式;对其疑问句的回答须用 they 代替。

--are these your books

-yes, they are./no, they aren’t. (注:aren’t = are not )

2. 人称代词he, she , it 的用法:

(1)he指代男性he is my good friend. 他是我的好朋友。

(2)she 指代女性 this is mary. she is my sister.

(3 ) it 指代动物或无生命事物,有时不能确定性别时,也可用it来指代。

look ! a cat ! it’s red.

3. 物主代词: my your his her

4. be 动词(am 、 is 、 are)的用法口诀:我( i )用am ,你(you)用are, is连着他(he)、她(she)、它( it );单数用is ; 复数全用 are.

i am mary. you are my friend. she is my mother. he is my father. it is a cat(猫)

练习题:section a 1a-2c


1、is this your __叔叔)?

2、kate and gina are his姐妹 )

3、these are my朋友).

4、look ,those are my兄弟).

5 my双亲)are pete and nancy.

二、 根据句意和首字母提示完成句中所缺的单词。

1. my father and mother are my p

2. my father’s brother is my u

3. my mother’s sister is my a

4. my mother’s mother is my g

5. my father’s father is my g


1. this friend

2. my brother

3. grandparent

4. her uncle

5. that key

section b 3a-4

一、 单句改错,下列句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正。

1. is(a) these(b) your(c) photos(d

2. what's(a) those(b) in(c) chinese(d

3. nice(a) to(b) meet(c) your(d

4. those(a) aren't(b) her(c) watchs(d

5. do(a) you(b) his(c) friend(d







section b 1a-2c


1 excuse methis your eraser?

2.whatthosethey birds?

3.thishis ruler. wheremy ruler?

4.iin class threeyou in class three,too?

5these her english books?

6.thosetheir apples. wherehis apples?

7.sheeleven. how oldthat boy?

8.hemy friendyour friend a boy or a girl?

9those maps? no,theynot. theypictures.

10.theseyour bananas. here you


a 1. is han mei your classmate?

2. who's that?

3. are these his friends?

4. is he tom?

5. is that your uncle?

b a. no, they aren't.

b. yes, he is.

c. no, he isn't. my uncle wears glasses.

d. yes, she is.

e. my brother.

section b 3a-4b


1. _is alice. it’s __backpack.

a. these; her b. this; his c. this; her

2. _your pen.

a. thanks of b. thank of c. thanks for

3. —is gina your friend

a. yes, she’s b. yes, it is c. no, she isn’t

4it’s a ruler.

a. what’s this b. is this a ruler c. what are these

5. —is tony __brother?

yes, he is.

a. me b. you c. your

6. here ismy family.

a. a photo of b. photo of c. a photo

7. my uncle’sis my cousin.

a. son b. daughter c. a and b

8. are __her parents?

a. this b. these c. that

9. this is jennythat is jim. they are my good friends.

a. or b. and c. too

10. wei hua and istudents.

a. aren't b. isn't c. am not


look! this is a picture of my family. my mother is a doctor.

my father is a teacher. this is my brother. his name is harry.

he's twelve. he's a student. that is my grandmother.

ah, this is me. my name is may. i'm ten.

i'm a student. harry and i are in the same school.


1. this is a picture of my family.

2. my mother is a teacher.

3. harry is my brother.

4. harry is twenty.


unit3 is this your pencil?一 学习目标 1.确认物品所属关系。2.掌握本单元的重点短语。3.掌握本单元的重点句型。二 复习重点与难点 含有be动词的一般疑问句及简略的答语 名词性物主代词。三 复习内容 1 知识回顾。文具盒劳驾,请原谅为。而感谢身份证电脑游戏图书馆一串钥匙铅...


unit 3 how do you get to school?短语 到校坐火车坐公共汽车。乘地铁骑自行车每天。多远多长时间从 到。公共汽车站火车站认为,想起。过河在 和 之间和 玩。像实现。句型 1.你怎么去学校。我骑自行车。2.她怎么去学校。她通常乘公共汽车。3.到学校要花费多长时间。大约花费1...


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