
发布 2023-03-09 06:43:28 阅读 8220

七年级英语下册 unit 3 how do you get to school?


1. 到校___2. 坐火车 __3. 坐公汽___4. 乘地铁。

5. 骑单车6. 步行___7. 许多8. 村庄。

9. 两者之间10. 桥___11. 小船12. 索道。

13. 梦想14. 害怕15.村民10. 实现___

二. 重点句型。

do you get to schooli ride my bike.

does she get to schoolshe usually takes the bus.

long does it take to get to school? it takes about 15 minutes.

far is it from your home to school? it’s only about two kilometers.

jane walk to schoolno, she doesn’t. she goes by bike.

they take the bus to schoolno, they don’ walk.


一)take 用法: 乘坐某种交通工具去某地。

take + the/a + 交通工具 + to + 地点 = get/go to + 某地 + by + 交通工具。

he often takes the subway to work. =he goes to work by subway.

1. ride a bike = by bike 骑自行车2. take the subway = by subway 乘坐地铁。

3. take the train = by train 乘坐火车4. take a car = by car 乘坐小车。

5. take a plane = by plane 乘坐飞机 6. take the bus = by bus 乘坐公车。

7. take a boat = by boat 乘坐船 8. walks = on foot 走路、步行9. get to 到达。

注意: 当home, here, there 作地点时, 不加to。

linda takes the bus home. 琳达乘公交车回家。

二)it takes + 人 + 时间 + to do … 事情) 是一个十分常用的句型,其中动词 take 表示“花费(时间)”。it takes sb. some time to do sth 花某人多长时间做某事。

it usually takes me five to ten minutes to get there by bus.



1. i take the train to school. =i get to school

2. she takes the subway to school. (同义句) she __to school

3. jenny rides the bike to school = jenny gets to school

4. mr. wang walks to school. (同义句) mr. wang __to school

ride their bikes to school. (就画线部分提问get to school?

takes 50 minutes to get here. (就画线部分提问it take to get here?


1by bus.

a. why does he go to work? b. how does he go to work?

c. when does she go to work?

2. -how do you go to schooli __

a. take bus b. take the busc. by the bus

3. she usually gets to school on her bike. but she sometimes __

a. walking b. walkc. walks

4. i usually go to school __bike, but sometimes i go to school __foot.

a. with, on b. on, byc. by, on

5do you get to school?

---i usually walk but sometimes i take the bus.

a. how b. what c. how often

6. -how long does it take?

--_takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.

a. that b. this c. it

7. -how does he get to school? -heschool.

a. on foot b. goes to c. walks to

8it take you to walk from your home to your office?

a. how long is b. how long does c. how many time does

9. it takes __one hourmy homework every day.

dob. me; to do c. me; doing

10.. how far is from hangzhou to wuhan?

a. thatbc. it

11do you live from your school? -about 10 minutes’ walk.

a. how many b. how long c. how far

12. i usually get to school

a. ride the bike b. on the bike c. by the bike

13does it take? -it takes 20 minutes by bus.

a. how long b. how far c. how many

14is it from your school to the hospital? -it’s about 2 miles.

a .how long b. how far c. how many

15do you thinkthe transportation in your city?

a. what; about b. what; of c. how; of

16. it took mehour to do my homework yesterday.

a. ab. anc. /

boys go to schoolmonday to friday.

a. fromb. toc. from to


1do you get to school?

---i walk but sometimes i __the bus.

2does it take?

---it __about 30 minutesand 10 minutes走路30分钟,坐公交10分钟)

3is it __your home to school?

---it’s three miles.

4does it take you from home to school?


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unit 3 how do you get to school?短语 到校坐火车坐公共汽车。乘地铁骑自行车每天。多远多长时间从 到。公共汽车站火车站认为,想起。过河在 和 之间和 玩。像实现。句型 1.你怎么去学校。我骑自行车。2.她怎么去学校。她通常乘公共汽车。3.到学校要花费多长时间。大约花费1...