
发布 2023-02-23 05:52:28 阅读 6013


课题 uint 8 编制人: 杜静兰课时: (3a---self check) 时间: 10. 4.28

学习目标:1.熟记并掌握下列单词: reason, menu

2. 掌握下列短语 : house of dumplings, some great specials. 10 rmb for 15 dumplings.

come and get your dumplings today.

3.熟记下列句型 : i h**e some great specials.

special 1 has beef and onion, and is just 10 rmb for 15 dumplings.

come and your dumplings today.

知识目标。单词: reason,

短语: house dumplings , some10 rmb 15


句型: 1. i some2. special 1

and is just



1. 熟记单词并提问。

2. 按要求完成3a

3. 大声朗读并背诵重点句子。

平行练习 (2m)

1. beef would you like ? a how b how many c how much d what

2. julie would like tv. a watch b watches c watching d to watch

3. -what's yourit's 335 fifth **enue.

a number b address c name d age

4. my family usually bread , eggs and milk breakfast.

a has, for b eat, for c h**e , for d h**e , on

5. the noodles with orange juice only $ 1.5. a is b are c for d with

流程二。1. 按要求完成3b

2. 大声朗读,并找出你认为重要的句子。


1. 你想吃什么面条? 鸡蛋牛面

2. 我们也有牛肉土豆面。

3. 欢迎到水饺店来。

4. 你想要哪种面条?

5. 今天我们有两种新的**菜。

6. 我想要一中碗面条。

用所给词的适当形式填空。(3 m)

1. we h**e some greatspecial ) today .

2. what kind of noodleswill) you like to buy ?

3. sometimes my sistergo ) shopping.

4. shenot like ) noodles or rice.

5. the dumplings and soup lunch special (be) rmb 10.

流程三:1. 小组对话练习订餐对话。

平行练习。用适当的介词和副词填空 (2m)

1. he'd like two bowls dumplings.

2. there are some special food the house of noodles.

3. special 1 has beef and carrot. it's only 10 yuan 18

4. what would thomas likelunch?

5. i'd like some rice chicken and eggs .

课堂小测 (15m)


1. i like the特色菜) in the restaurant.

2. we (也) h**e some bananas .

3. my brother steve喜欢) mutton.

4. apple juice is a kind of饮料)

5. what型号, 尺寸) do you h**e?

(b) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1be ) there two great new specials ?

2. look ! our auntmake) soup for us. now let'shelp) her.

3. would you like (h**e ) a cup of coffee?

4. the chinese like (eat ) different kinds of food.

5. sometimes shego ) shopping.

6. i'd likeorder) a large bowl of beef noodles.

7. can you makedumpling)?

8. we h**e somespecial ) today ?

9. a large bowl of noodles (be ) not enough.

10. what kind of foodher friendlike) ?

二.书面表达词数要求 60 词左右。

提示:1. mary , 美国人,现住在北京。

2. 喜欢中国食物。

3. 她想早餐吃饺子,午餐吃米饭,肉,晚餐吃面条。



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