开学初暑假英语四年级英语 2

发布 2023-01-21 21:01:28 阅读 8267



一、 按要求写一写。请认真审题!(20分)

1. climb (名词2. swim (现在分词。

同音词4. three(序数词。

同音词6. sheep(变一个字母成为新词。

( 复数形式 (反义词。


二、选择恰当的单词,使句子完整。 注意开头字母大小写。(20分)

for later how do where are she can the this

1.__i speak to your brother ?

2. what __you doing ?

3. she is __homework .

4. see you __

5. _is everybody doing ?

6. there is a call __you .

7. _is john speaking .

8. what is __doing ?

9. i am answering __phone .

10.__are they ?


)1. what __your father doing?

a. isb. are c. do

)2. -can i speak to your mom,please?

a. please hold on are right c. goodbye

)3. -how’s everybody doing ?

a. they are good b. just fine c. i’m coming

)4. my grandpa is __a letter in the study.

a. writesb. writing c. writeing

)5 there is a call___you .

a forb. to c. with

)6. i usually h**e breakfast __7: 10.

a atb inc on

)7. what’s the date today ? it ‘s

a. spring b. saturday c. mar.6th

)8. what is she doing ? she’s

a skating b runingcplant trees

)9. panda can

a. climb c. jump

)10. does she like sweet food? no, she __

b. doesn’t


( )hello!may i speak to lucy ?

( )ok. let’ go .

( )hello!

( )hold on,please.

( )swimming ? but i can swim.

( )how about go boating?


)1. 当你想表达你很害怕时,应该说:__

a. i feel scared ! b. i can help you .

)2. 当你想向别人求助时,应该说:__

a. i'm tired.


a. there are many bicycles and cars on the road .

b. there is a bicycles and car on the road .

)4. 当你想问别人生日是几月时,应该说 __

a. when is birthday? b. what is birthday?

)5 如果你不小心将水洒到朋友的身上,你会说___

a excuse 'm very sorry.

)6. 当别人问你的年龄,你不想回答,你会说___

a sorry ,i don't know . b it's a secret.

)7. 当别人问你问题你答不上需要想一想时,你会说。

a. let's gob. lte me see.

)8. 当你想知道今天的日期时,你应说。

a what's the dateb what time is it ?

)9. 当你想知道什么时间吃晚饭时,你会说。

a. what time to eat supper? is supper ?

)10. 当别人向你询问“how is the weather ?”你会说。

a. it's 's rainy .


1. they are playing chess. (变成一般疑问句)

2. i like spring because i can fly kites. (对划线部分提问)

3. it's june 10th . 改为否定句)

4. is her birthday in june ? 做否定回答)

5. she can swim in the summer.(改为否定句)

七、 阅读理解。 (10分)

it's asunny \ rainy) day . the student are h**ing a good time(玩的高兴).they're going on a field trip .

look ,chen jie iscllecting / collect ) le**es. zhang peng and john areplaying / play ) chess __under / on ) a big tree . mike is___read /reading ) a news***** .

( )1. it's niceday!

( )2. the student are going on a field trip .

( )3. zhang peng and john are playing chess .

( )4. mike is reading a book .

( )5. chen jie is cllecting le**es.

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