
发布 2023-01-21 20:56:28 阅读 5843




)1. canteen

)2. pants

)4. goat

二、 请根据**和字母提示写出单词。(10分)


1is this? -it’s my baby brother’s.

2is itit’s two o’clock.

3is my room? -it’s on the second floor.

4is my room? -it’s on the sceond floor.

5goats are there? -twelve.



mom: yes,please. a pair of sneakers for my son.


mom: size five.


mom: are they nice, john?

john: yes, them.

momjohn: yes,they are.

momassistant: they’re thirty-five yuan.

mom:ok,we’ll take them.


1. what time is it?

it’s o’clock.

it’s time lunch.

2. what time is it?

it’s four thirty

it’s time go home.

3. what time is it?

it’s two o’clock.


)1. can i wear my dress

a. yes, you can. b. no, you can c. yes, i do

) they ducks

they are.

b. yes, they aren’t.

c. no,they aren’t.

)3are there at the farm? twelve.

a. how many sheeps

b. how many sheep

c. how much sheep

)4. what are those

a. this is a hen.

b. this is a goats.

c. those are goats.

)5is the computer room?

it’s the first floor.

a. where, on b. what, on in



dear grandma,thank you for the new cool! it’s hot in beijing. it’s sunny too.

i can wear my shorts and t-shirt. i h**e a new jacket. it’s thirty yuan.

i want to buy a hat. it is fifty yuan. it’s too expensive.

what’s the weather like at the farm? is it warm? how many new ducks are there?


1. it is cool in bei jing

2. it’s sunny in beijing

3. john has a new jacket

4. the jacket is thirteen yuan

5. grandma is at farm


amy: look at the dress, mom, it’s

it’s seventy-one yuan.

mom: yes, it is. that one is

it’s sixty yuan.

amy: this green dress is

it’s only twenty-three yuan.

mom: i like the pink one best.

but it’s too

amy: howis it?

mom: look! it’s one hundred yuan.


当堂达标教学课时教案。学校 大柳镇文光希望小学,年级 四年级 学科 英语授课人付福丽。班级四。时间2011年。课题module 1 numbers 1.能正确认读数字13 20,熟记数字单词。2.自主学习总结单词构成的规律。3.体验自主学习取得成功的乐趣。教目标学。重点掌握13 19这些数字,会认读...


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