
发布 2023-01-19 11:59:28 阅读 5983


教学目标:1.熟练数字1-100的读法,会熟练听,说,读,写数字1-10。2.会听,说,读,写句子what time do you…? i…at….

3.会听,说,读日常交际用语it’s late. see you in the afternoon.4.能初步表演对话,及根据实际情况编新对话。


2.四会句子what time do you…? i…at….

3.三会日常交际用语it’s late. see you in the afternoon.教学准备:

数字卡片,时间卡片,练习材料教学过程:1.free talk

t: good morning! how are you?t: what’s this in english?s: it’s a dog.

t: do you like this dog?s: yes, i do.

t: i like it, too. how lovely!

t: is this your pencil?s:

no, it isn’ where’s your pencil?s: it’s in the pencil look, what’s that on the desk?

s: it’s an english is that your english book?s:

no, it isn’t.

t: whose english book is it?

s: perhaps it’s …’st: is it your english book?s: yes, it here you thank not at

t: today, we’ll continue unit 7 it’s late.

t: boys and girls, can you do like this?(用手势打出1-10)show me your hands.

follow me, please.

t: we learned the numbers. now ,i h**e some number cards.

i hope you tell out the numbersquickly.


t: what’s this?s: it’s a clock.

t: what’s the time please?s: it’s 6:00

t: yes, it is six. i get up at six every time do you get up?s: i get up at…

new word: at i get up at…)a: what time do you get up?b: i get up at…(work in pairs)

同理教授h**e breakfast , h**e lunch用书上的d部分进行练习4.读课文。

t: now i want to introduce a friend to you. who is he?s:mike

t: who is she?s: grandma

t: in the morning, mike and grandma are talking about something. listen to the tape ,tryto answer the what’s the time now?

what time does mike go to school?what time does mike come home?听两遍录音后回答问题跟录音朗读课文分角色朗读课文5 .


choose the correct answers

itis 1 inthe 2 叫)miketo 3 .butit’s 4 .mike goes to school at 5 .

he comes home at 6 . he says ‘ 7 in the 8 ’ to hisgrandmother.

) 1. a.7:00 b.7:35( )2. )3. up breakfast( )4.

) 5. a.7:40 b.7:30( )b.4:50

) you b:hello( )附送:

2019-2024年四年级英语上册unit8 lesson15(2)教案闽教版。

教学目标:1.学习目标:学会单词want, computer, robot.

会说句子what present do you want? i want a ….what present does he/she want?

he/she wants a ….知道动词会随着人称的不同而改变形式。








三、出示课题lesson 15

四、复习人称代词(课件出示chant)五、new lesson

step 1.单词及句子教学。

1. listen to an english song <>

2.学生回答问题,了解圣诞节有关知识以及圣诞老人的名字santa,导出句子whatpresent do you want?3.学习新词want.

4.学习句子what present do you want?

5.小组跟读what present do you want?引出单词computer及句子i want a computer.

6.同理学习单词robot. i want a robot.

7.巩固句型what present so you want? i want a …,利用课件进行单词替换练习。






step 2.练习及游戏巩固所学单词及句子。

14.用课件进行want or wants填空,巩固动词会随着人称代词的不同有所变化这一语言点。

15.转盘游戏巩固句型what present do you want? i want a ….

what present does he/she want? he/she wants a ….step 3.




年四年级英语上册Unit7 7 教案苏教牛津版

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