2019四年级英语下册Unit7 8知识点 译林版

发布 2023-02-03 16:17:28 阅读 2835

unit 7 what鈥檚 the matter? 鐭ヨ瘑姹囨?涓銆佽闊?

o / 蓹蕣/ close home no nose open old so go cold go home, joe, and show rose your nose! 浜屻佽瘝姹?1.

h**e a pie 鍚冧釜娲?2. some water 涓浜涙按 3.

here you are. 缁欎綘銆?4.

want to go to bed 鎯崇潯瑙?5. be ill 鐢熺梾鐨?

涓嶈垝鏈嶇殑 6. drink some water 鍠濅簺姘?7.

tired and thirsty鍙堢疮鍙堟复 8. good night. 鏅氬畨銆?

9. h**e a cake 鍚冨潡铔嬬硶 10. a happy girl 涓浣嶅揩涔愮殑濂冲 11.

show rose your nose缁欑綏鏂湅浣犵殑榧诲瓙 12. take this pill 鍚冭繖鐗囪嵂 13. mrs.

mouse 鑰侀紶澶汉 14. mr. fox 鐙愮嫺鍏堢敓 15.

go home 鍥炲 16. want to sit on the chair鎯宠鍧愬湪妞呭瓙涓?涓夈佸彞鍨?

1. what鈥檚 the matter? 鎬庝箞浜嗭紵 2.

come and h**e a pie, taotao. 杩囨潵鍚冧釜娲撅紝娑涙稕銆?3.

i鈥檓 not hungry, i鈥檓 thirsty. 鎴戜笉楗匡紝鎴戞复銆?4.

can i h**e some water? 鎴戝彲浠ュ枬浜涙按鍚楋紵 5. are you ill?

no, but i鈥檓 tired. 浣犵梾浜嗗悧锛熸病锛屼絾鎴戠疮浜嗐?6.

i want to go to bed. 鎴戞兂瑕佺潯瑙夈?7.

good night, dear. 鏅氬畨锛屼翰鐖辩殑銆?8.

here is some water for you. 杩欏効鏈変簺姘寸粰浣犮?9.

are you cold? 浣犲喎鍚楋紵no, i 鈥檓 not. /yes, i am.

10. this is mrs fox speaking. 鎴戞槸鐙愮嫺澶汉銆傦紙鎵撶數璇濈敤璇級 11.

are you all right, bobby? 娉㈡瘮锛屼綘杩樺ソ鍚楋紵 12. h**e some water, wang bing.

鐜嬪叺锛屽枬涓浜涙按銆?13. here鈥檚 a hot dog.

杩欐湁涓儹鐙椼?14. here are some hot dogs.

杩欐湁浜涚儹鐙椼?15. if you are ill, go to/and see a doctor.

濡傛灉浣犵敓鐥呬簡,鍘荤湅鍖荤敓鍚с?unit 8 how are you? 鐭ヨ瘑姹囨?

涓銆佽闊?o / 蓲 / coffee, dog, hot, not, sock, box, fox the hot dog in the box is not lunch for the fox!

涓夈佽瘝姹?1. speak to miss li 鍜屾潕鑰佸笀閫氳瘽 2.

come to school 鏉ュ埌瀛︽牎 3. h**e a cold 鎰熷啋 4. take care 淇濋噸 a cough and a headache 寰椾簡鍜冲椊骞跺ご鐥?

6. i鈥檓 fine. 鎴戝緢濂姐?

7. at school 鍦ㄥ 鏍?8.

not so good. 涓嶅お濂姐?9.

go and see 鍘荤湅鐪?10. a bad cough 涓ラ噸鐨勫挸鍡?

11. see you. 鍐嶈 12.

h**e a fever 鍙戠儳 13. h**e a bad cold 閲嶆劅鍐?14.

h**e a high fever 鍙戦珮鐑?15. at home 鍦ㄥ 16.

not bad 杩樹笉閿?17. the hot dog in the box 鐩掑瓙閲岀殑鐑嫍 18.

after school 鏀惧鍚?涓夈佸彞鍨?1.

this is yang ling speaking.鎴戞槸鏉ㄧ幉銆?鐢佃瘽鐢ㄨ )2.

may i speak to miss li?鎴戝彲浠ュ拰鏉庤佸笀閫氳瘽鍚楋紵(鐢佃瘽鐢ㄨ )3. i can鈥檛 come to school today.

浠婂ぉ鎴戜笉鑳藉埌瀛︽牎鏉ヤ簡銆?4. i h**e a cold and a fever.

鎴戞劅鍐掑苟鍙戠儳浜嗐?5. i鈥檓 sorry to hear that.

鍚埌杩欎釜娑堟伅鎴戝緢闅捐繃銆?6. take care, yang ling.

淇濋噸锛屾潹鐜层?7. how are you now?

i鈥檓 fine, thank you./not so good. i h**e a cough.


can you come to school tomorrow? 浣犳槑澶╄兘鏉ュ 鏍″悧锛?9.

see you tomorrow. 鏄庡ぉ瑙併?10.

is bobby there? no. he鈥檚 at school.

娉㈡瘮鍦ㄥ悧锛熶笉鍦紝浠栧湪瀛︽牎銆?11. the hot dog in the box is not lunch for the fox!

鐩掑瓙閲岀殑鐑嫍涓嶆槸閭e彧鐙愮嫺鐨勫崍椁愩?12. well, go and see doctor wu!

閭d箞锛屽幓鐪嬪惔鍖荤敓鍚э紒 13. can i come to see you after school? 鏀惧鍚庢垜鑳芥潵鐪嬫湜浣犲悧锛?

14. see you soon. 涓浼氳銆?


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