
发布 2023-01-28 22:58:28 阅读 9662



1. 能力目标:会表达基本的动物及蔬菜名称。


会正确使用“how many ……句型。



1.第一课时:a let’s learn & let’s do

2.第二课时:a let’s talklet’s play

3.第三课时:a read and write & b read and write

4.第四课时: b let’s learn & b let’s chant &let’s play

5.第五课时: b let’s talk c task time

6.第六课时:c pronunciation & let’s check & good to know c story time & let’s sing


1. 让学生熟练掌握动物及蔬菜的表达。

2. 正确运用句型“how many …?there is /are … are they …?are these/those …?what are they? ”


句型“how many …?there is /are … are they …?are

these/those …?what are they? ”


6课时 教学设计:

unit 6 at a farm

lesson 1

教学内容:a let’s learn & let’s do

教学目标:1、make ss to know some animals and vegetables at the farm: goat,lamb, horse, donkey, tomatoes, potatoes.

2、can use the sentences: are they…./how many…?

3、can write the new words and sentences well.

教具准备:tape, recorder and word cards.

教学重点:to know some animals and vegetables at the farm: goat,lamb, horse, donkey, tomatoes, potatoes.

教学难点:can use the sentences: are they…./how many…?

教学步骤:step1: warm —up

1、sing a song: my coat.


t: good morning/afternoon! how are you? are you happy? what’s the weather like today?

oh, what a lovely day! let’s go to the farm.

step 2: presentation.

1、t: show out some pictures of animals.

what‘s this ? is it a hen? where is it? yes it’s a farm.

2、t: look at the animals , where do you live .?they live on the farm.

this is a farm. there are many animals at the farm. look!

there are horses, cows, goats, lambs and hens. (引导学生模仿叫声。)

1)read the new words one by one.

2)play a game “can you draw?” what can you draw? ss take out the ***** to draw.

look at the cow, tom.

do you like it?

yes, i do.

draw the cow on the *****, please.

ok.3、let’s do

a、listen to the chant.

b、say out: what do you hear?

c、read the chant one by one.

d、act out

step 3: consolidation

1、copy the new words

2、read the chant. at home.


lesson 2

教学内容:a let’s talklet’s play

教学目标:1、understand the dialogue.

2、can use the sentence “how many …?

教学重点:understand the dialogue.

教学难点:can use the sentence “how many …?

教具准备:tape, recorder


1、guess the animals(sounds)

2、let’s do.

step 2: presentation.

1、look at the pictures.

2、t: show out a picture of horses. are they horses?

s: yes, they are.

t: are they hens?

s: no they aren’t‘t.

3、pair work: look at the pictures.

t: how many … do you h**e?(pencils horses hens lambs sheep frogs.).

ask a student in your group to say out.

4、t: act out the animals in the farm to h**e a meeting.

5、let’s talk

1) ask students to translate the dialogue.

2) emphasis the important points.

3) read the dialogue after the tape.

4) listen again, then repeat.

5) role play.

6、let’s play

教学生用提前准备好的**做问答练习:are they sheep/cow……?yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

7、good to know : 教给学生一些关于动物的英语谚语和小故事。

8、homework :

do some exercise in the workbook.


lesson 3


a read and write & b read and write

教学目标:会提问并回答句型:what do you see in the picture?/ what are those?/

are they dogs? /how many …?

教学重点:what do you see in the picture?/ what are those?/ are they dogs? /

how many …?

教学难点:are they dogs? /how many …?

教具准备:tape, recorder

教学步骤:step 1: warm-up

1、group competition


2、review some animals and the words: big, small, long, short.

step 2: presentation.


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