八年级上册Unit5 第五课时学案

发布 2023-01-11 21:00:28 阅读 3641

第26 课时课题:unit5 do you want to watch a game show? 时间。


section b (3a-4)

学习目标:1. 四会本课时的单词和短语;

2. 会用英语写一部自己喜欢的电影。



学习过程:step1 自主学习。




在军队里。step2 合作学习。

1、practice with your partner:

a: what do you think of soap operas?

b: i think they’re boring.

a,check the answers.




step3 知识链接。

she dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.

dress up的意思是dress up like 的意思是。


拓展】:dress up as ..装扮成dress up in...穿着。衣服。


he likes tofather christmas.

她打扮得像一个小孩儿。shea kid .

step4 学习成果展示:


)1. —did he tell you __joke?—no. he told me __interesting story.

a. an; a b. a; a c. an; an d. a; an

)2. mrs. zhang is 42 years old, but she always dresses up __a girl.

a. of b. like c. to d. for

)3. mrs. qin isn’t here today. i’ll take her place __the park.

a. cleaning b. clean c. to clean d. cleans

)4. the story is __children can learn a lot from it.

a. short b. boring c. difficultd. educational

)5. the tv show is boring. i can’t __it.

a. stand b. stop c. read d. finish

)6. john said he would come to my party, but he didn’t __

a. forget b. appear c. le**e d. wait

)7. you can’t expect __a new language in a few months.

a. learn b. learned c. learning d. to learn

)8. —why do you like this kind of movie?—because it always has __

a. nothing enjoyable b. enjoyable nothing

c. something enjoyable d. enjoyable something

)9. what do you plan __during the holidays?

a. doing b. to do c. do d. to doing

)10. —you look sadi lost my mobile phone on my way to school.

a. how did you like it b. what happened

c. where did you go d. how about you

) dress up as monkey king.

a. dress b. dress up c. wear d. wear up



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