
发布 2020-03-15 02:30:28 阅读 6634

unit five can you come to my party?


baseball game 棒球比赛the day after tomorrow 后天。

come over to从一地方来到另一个地方,过来 ◆ go to the doctor 去看病。

h**e a piano lesson 上钢琴课 ◆ h**e to 不得不 ◆ text time 下一次study for a test 准备考试be free 有空儿,有时间。


1. lesson []n. 课;课程。


经典例句】we’ll h**e an piano [p'n] lesson.

考点聚焦】1)注意和数词连用时的区别。如:lesson 1=the first lesson 2)短语:teach lesson 给某人一个教训。

2、another []adj. 又一的;再一的代词:是三者中的一个。


1)another another + n.(单数) 三者中或无范围的另一个。

eg. this coat is too big. please show me another one.

2) the other one…,the other… 一个是……,另一个是。表示两者中的另一个。

eg. i h**e two pens . one is black, the other is red.

3) others=other + n. (pl.) 无范围的另一些 some…others…. 一些……另一些…….

eg. lei feng was always ready to help others(=other + people)

4) the others=the other + n. (pl.) 有范围的另外一些, “其余所有的” eg.

there are sixty-two students in our class, one third are girls, the others (=the other students) are boys.

注:another 另外的,附加的 eg. another three books=three other/more books另外三本书。

3、concert(con +cert确信)

词组:go to the concert


例如:whom did they invite?


6、weekday weekend

7、invitation (it vit看+ation)invite

词组:(1) invite sb. to sw.--ask sb. to sw.邀请某人到某地。

eg. he invited many people to his house.

2) invite sb. to do sth.--ask do sth.邀请某人做谋事。

8、training train

9. chemistry

10. american america

11. project (pro+jest)

12、match football match

adv从一边到一边 come over 顺便来访介词:在…上面 over the bridge

adj:结束的 summer is over.

[] n. 可惜;遗憾;可惜的事。


考点聚焦】1)惯用法:what a pity! 2)短语:feel pity for sb. 同情某人;out of pity 出于同情

[] adj. 整个的;全部的;完整的。

巧记提示】 w+hole(洞)

考点聚焦】 all与whole都表示“全部”,但它们修饰名词时所处的位置不同。当名词前面有冠词、物主代词时,whole放在名词前,而all则放在冠词、物主代词前。如:

the whole story=all the story 整个故事

16、free []adj. 空闲的;有空的。


经典例句】she is free to choose her road of life.


考点聚焦】1)同根词:freedom n. 自由 2)短语:for free 免费 3)free to do sth. 表“随意的,任意的”做某事

17、till []conj. 直到……之时。


经典例句】he kept working till late at night.


考点聚焦】 1)同义词:until 2)短语:not...till 直到……才


一)can you come to my party?

---i can come to your party? 变成一般疑问句。

—回答:1. study for a test __

2. help my parents___

3. go to the doctor __see a doctor__

4. visit my aunt

5. h**e a piano lesson

6. help my mam

7. go to the guitar lessen

8. play soccer

9. go to movies

注意点: to one’s party参加某人的聚会 you for coming to my party.


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