
发布 2022-12-30 23:03:28 阅读 8839

unit 8 h**e you read treasure island yet?( 课时1)


教师寄语:stick to it, and you‘ll succeed. 只要人有恒,万事都能成。



a. 结合音标拼读单词并牢记,自学本课时内容,勾画出重点和疑惑。

b. 自我检测。

1. 至少 do you think of it

2. 快点 you decided which book to write about?

3. 在岛上。


5. 在第5页上11.长大,成长。

6. 把它放下12. what’s it about

7. 读得快 island full of treasure

c. 自主**:already 与 yet 的区别。


i. 课堂导入。

the teacher talks about hobbies with students.

ii. 自主学习,合作**。

1. finish 1a. show the pictures to students, and learn about the english name

of the six books. then match the names with the pictures. communicate with students by answering questions:

h**e you heard of these books?

2. finish 1b. listen and complete the chart.

3. come to 1c. practice the conversation.

4. listen and finish 2a and 2b. find and solve the problems in them.

ask and answer using the information in 2a 2b.

5. role -play the conversation.

iii. 查疑解惑。


1)含义:表示动作___发生,但与现在有联系或此时态常与以下时间词连用,如alreadyyetjust刚刚曾经从不; so far到目前为止; before从前; for+时间段; sincehow long多久。


观察:she has finished her work.她完成了她的工作。

has she finished her work?_

yes,she has./no,she hasn’t.

she hasn’t finished her work.


主语+ h**e/has +动词的其它(h**e/has是助动词,没有“有”的意义)


h**e/has +主语+动词的其他?

肯定回答: yes

否定回答: no

2. 现在完成时与一般过去式的区别。

句子中如有yesterday, last ,just now,in1999等过去时间词出现就只用一般过去时。特别提醒:句子中如有when出现,一定不能用完成时。

4. 动词的过去分词是怎样构成的呢?

1) 一般情况如。

2) 以辅音字母加y结尾的如。

3) 以重读闭音节结尾的如。

4)不规则变化,见教材 p137-138.


1. come2. go3.

is4. stop5. h**e6.

hear7. give8. begin11.

sing12. drive13. do14.

fall17. keep18. study19.

plan20. lead21. let22.

lose23. say26. read27.

tell28. sit29. win30.

wake31. spend32. ride


a. 我一定行!

1.he has already gone to new york.(变一般疑问句并回答)

___he __to new york___no, he___

2.we h**e learned english for two years(变否定句)

weenglish for two years

3. we h**e lived here for two years.(提问)

h**e you __here?

4. tom has ever read the book. (变否定句)

tom has __read the book.

green start to teach us 2 years ago.(同义句)

miss greenus for 2 years.

6. he___justcopy) all the words

7. when you finishread) the book, please rememberreturn) it to the library on time

8. last year, theybuy) a new computer

9. _youpack) the camera yet?

10. i __alreadyput) it in my suitcase

11. helive) here since 1999.

12. hesleep) at this time last night.

13.__he __eat) breakfast yet? 14. i___never __not be) to beijing.

b. 我要进步!

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