
发布 2022-12-31 08:18:28 阅读 4264

unit8 why don’t you get her a scarf ? section a

知识目标(target language)

一. 询问意见:掌握情态动词should + 动词原形表达征求意见的用法。

what should i ..should表示征询对方意见)

e. g. what should i get my mom for his birthday? 我该送给妈妈什么生日礼物呢?

二.学习就赠送礼物如何给别人提出建议(give suggestions);

学会谈论和比较不同事物的品质和特征(male comments)。

1. give suggestions :

1)why don’t you + do sth … why not + do sth为什么不……呢?”

e. g. why don’t you come a little earlier? =why not come a little earlier? 为什么不早点来呢?

2)what about/ how about … 怎么样其后接名词、代词、动名词等名词或短语。

e. g. how about a scarf ? 买)一条围巾如何? what about going fishing? 去钓鱼怎么样?

别忘了其他建议句型:you should do…you should take some exercise every day.你每天都应该锻炼。

you could do ..you could call her.你可以给她打**。

2. make comments:

that’s too expensive .那太昂贵了。 that’s too cheap那太便宜了。

that’s a good idea . 那是个好主意。 that sounds good. 那听起来不错。

she’ll like that. 她会喜欢的 that’s not interesting enough.那不够有趣。

that’s too personal. 那太私人化了。 that’s too boring那太乏味了。

that’s not special enough. 那不够特别。 that’s not creative enough. 那不够有新意。

. your friend or your family member is h**ing a birthday soon. discuss with your partner what to get this person.

write the suggestions and comments in the blanks. ☆

conversation 1:

-a: what should i get my mom for her birthday? -b: how about a camera?

-a: a camera? no, it's toob: what about a

-a: no, it's not special enoughb: why don't you get her flowers?

-a: that sounds good!

conversation 2:

-a: what should i get my sister for her birthday? -ba bike ?

-a: a bike? no, it's too expensiveb: what about a calendar?

-a: no, it's notenoughb: why don't you get her a

-a: she’ll like that !

conversation 3:

-a: what should i get my friend jim for his birthday? -b: how about a mobile phone?

-a: a bike? no, it's too expensiveb: what about a t-shirt?

-a: no, that’s toobyou get her a soccer ball?

-a: that’s a good idea!

ii. listen and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (section a1b) ☆

a:what’s up?

b:i need help. what 1i get my mom for her birthday?

a:how about a scarf?

b:no, that’s too 2

a:hmm, how about a 3

b:that’s too boring, too .

a:well, why don’t you get her a 4

b:no way! that’s too 5

a:i’ve got it! what about some tennis balls?

b:tennis balls? no, they’re too 6

. listen to the conversations and choose the best answers.(2a,2b) ☆

conversation 1

1. what should the boys get for lisa? a. a cdb. flowersc. a photo album

2. they think cd isa. not interesting enough b. that's not special enough c. too cheap

conversation 2

3. mrs. martinez is the girlsa. motherb. auntc. teacher

4. mrs. martinez likes to weara. sweatersb. jeansc. scarves

conversation 3

sare giving her a watch. a. friendsb. parentsc. grandparents

sister is giving her aa. soccer ballb. watchc. a photo album

iv. translate the phrases or sentences into english (section a 3a,3b) ☆


3. 一个幸运的家伙4.当他离开学校。


7.你想知道mary收过的最好的礼物是什么,你应该这样问她you h**e ever received?

8.你想知道谁送给mary的,你应该这样问她to you?

告诉你她是在十岁生日时收到手表的,她可以这样说:i received a watch

.review the exclamatory sentences and fill in the blanks with “how” or “what” ☆



whatabrightgirlsheis!多么聪明的一个女孩啊! whatniceweatheritis!多好的天气啊!


howprettythecupitis! 这个杯子真漂亮howcleveryouare! 你真聪明!

1hot the weather is getting! 2useful suggestions you’ve given us!


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