人教版八年级英语下册Unit8学案 学生版

发布 2022-12-28 07:54:28 阅读 7438

unit 8


1. full of

be full of:充满 fill… with用。。。来充满,填满。

2. hurry up: 赶快,急忙, 做谓语; in a hurry: 匆忙地,做状语。

3. ever since:自从,和现在完成时连用。

4. belong

belong to sb: 属于某人,无被动。

5. one another:互相。

6. million

millions of: 成百万上千万,概数表达法; two million students: 精确数字表达法。

7. introduce

introduce…to: 把。。。介绍给。。。

8. success


succeed: 成功,动词词性。



1. abeginning will lead to ain the end. i hope you willin your english exam.

2. 这件红色的衬衫是她的吗?

this red blouseher?

3. 校长已经向我们介绍新英语老师了。

the head teacherthe new english teacherus.

4. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》是一个充满乐趣的生动的故事。

the adventure of tom sawyer is a lively story

5. 快点,否则你上学就要迟到了!

or you'll be late for school!

基础演练。1. -h**e you ever been to disneyland?

-- noi hope i can go there next year.

2. jackdislike the weather in beijing in spring, because there is so much wind and sand. but now heit.

3. the woman who is talking with mr. brownbe miss li. she has gone to england.

4. -your english is good.

-- thank you. iit for three years.

5. the government of linyi is buildingcheap and good houses for the people.

6. yao ming was famousplaying basketball.

7. -what do you think of sanya?

-- oh, it's a beautiful city, ithere for several times.

8. my motherus stories when we were children.

9i was in the us, i made a lot of american friends.

10. i h**eseen such a beautiful village anywhere in the world.

11. that manbe my english teacher. he has gone to canada.

12. the man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded

13. -i've never had such a wonderful time. thank you for inviting me.

14. do you know that the earth is home toanimals?

巩固提高。1快点), or we will not catch the early bus. (词数不限)

2. the book is so interesting that i couldn'tit放下).

3. last summer holiday i picked up a lot of colorful shells在沙子里). 词数不限)

4. there are至少) 5 words in this sentence. (词数不限)

5多久) h**e you been an engineer? (词数不限)

6. the noisy music is一个醒来的好方法). 词数不限)

7. tom and his parents often争吵) small things. (词数不限)

8. the song充满感情的) reminds me of my old father in the mountain village.(词数不限)

9. as time went on, he逐渐意识到) his mother's love to him. (词数不限)

10. the boy took part in many clubs例如) singing club and basketball club.(词数不限)

11. can you tell me的数量) the students in your class? (词数不限)

12. they h**e finished five tasks在一天结束的时候). 词数不限)


1. -are these books yours, mike?

-- no, they aren't. they belong to

2. there aresoccer fans in the world.

3. -hello! could i speak to lily?

-- sorry, she is not in. sheshanghai.

4. liu huan is a famous singer, but cindyto any of his songs yet.


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