
发布 2022-12-21 16:11:28 阅读 8657



unit 8sectiona



讲学时间。to make each day count. (要让每一天都有所值)





掌握向他人提意见和建议的英语表达方法:what should i get my mom for her birthday? (提问)1) how about +名词/动词ing…?

2) why don’t you+ get sb +名词…/why don’t you+ buy+名词…?3) what about +名词/动词ing…?4) why not +动词原形5)you’d better + v原形二。



scarftennis balls __dictionary __cd __bicycle___clothescameracomputer __book___bag___


jack: what should i get my mom for her birthday?i


too personal___good idea __not special enough __sounds good __not creative enough __she’ll like that.__课堂达标反馈:一。


1. this book is a bit difficult. _read something easier?

a. why not tob. why don’tc.

why notd. why not room is___to hold 50 people.

a. enough bigb. big enoughc. too bigd. big too

3.–why not___us?- because i h**e a lot of work___a.

to play, to dob. play, to makec. playing with, doingd.

play with, to do4. what should i get my mom __her birthday?a.

forb. toc. atd.


5. this is the best book i h**e __neverb. everc. oftend. should i get

a. heb. himc. don’t need spendmoney on it.

a. much toob. too muchc. too many

learn___in this newc. new somethingd. new passage is __i can understand it without anyone’s ****** enough enough think i will h**e a __holiday soon.

a. four-daysb. four-dayc. four daysd four you like to eat___special

b. special something

coat he boughthim 160 forc. costd. took

二、根据句意和所给首字母,填写单词完成句子。1. a necklace is too pto send as a gift.

2. what’s the opposite of the word “cheap”? it’s e___

3. mr. zhou enlai is a great man.

we’ll rhim for ever.4. how about the concert?

oh, it’s i___

5. why don’t you buy a photo a___to your friend?6.

what s __i get my mother for her birthday.7. a book is not s___enough.

8. a necklace is too pto send as a gift.

h**e something pto tell you. but remember not to tell itto others.

you mind my going there iof you?三、根据括号内的所给的词的适当形式填空。 aboutdrink) a cup of tea?

not___get) up earlier?

is myperson) computer.4. i don’t think the movie isinterest).

got a football on his___eight) we___start) the work at once?

our english teacher? shetalk)with somestudents over there.

workfinish) at half past brother___do) in the usa?

time __mr read___h**e)lunch every day? is a __question. i won’t answer it.

(person)12. how about___a cup of coffee.(drink)

13. i received a watch on my __birthday.(twelve)

14. it’s going to rain. why not __an umbrella with you?

(bring)15. let’s___our homework first.(finish)

speak loudly. i can’t hear you___clear).

you tell us some good ways of___improve)english.? problem is too difficult___work )out

is afive years old) girl. she can’t go to school.

finish the workperfect)

must takecareful) of yourself.



unit8 why don t you get her a scarf?section a 一 teaching goals 教学目标 1 knowledge goals 知识目标 本课时要求掌握以下词汇 a.表示事物名称的名词。scarf,tennis ball dictionary cd cam...


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