
发布 2022-12-30 22:54:28 阅读 9857

初二英语(外研版) module1hobbies

unit 1 do you collect anything? 导学案。

课型:listening and speaking 课时安排 :2课时主备、审核人:龙玉波,叶乙凤。





理解并掌握英语中的六个基本句型。掌握 tidy up take up be interested in等短语结构的用法。学会表达自己的爱好,询问他人的爱好,并用适当的形容词评价爱好。


1.预习单词:(p.158 从collect到interview)




1 )she likes收集) books

2 ) the boy bought many娃娃) yesterday

3 ) he sent two邮票) to his uncle last week

4 ) the cup has the最少的) water of the three .

5 )there is only one风扇) in the house

4.预习part 3,找出重点的短语、句型;划出自己不懂的地方;



1) 我父亲是一位**家主语+系动词+表语(+状语) )

2) 我拉小提琴主语+谓语(及物动词) +宾语 (+状语) )

3) 八年前他给了我第一把小提琴。

主语+谓语(及物动词) +间接宾语+直接宾语 (+状语)

4) 是什么使你对**这么感兴趣。

主语+谓语(及物动词) +宾语+宾语补足语(+ 状语) )

5) 北京广播电台有一场**会。

there be +主语+状语。 )


一)自主学习activity 1—2

to the tape and find out what hobbies do tony’s family h**e, then complete the chart.

the words in the box of activity 2. answer the questions:

1).why does tony’s mum want him to tidy up his room

2).whose hobby is expensive

3).which hobby do you think takes up the least space

1. listen carefully to the dialogue. then write the notes. (activity 4)

2. listen again and check the answers with the partner.

3. read the dialogue and complete the sentences. (activity 5)

1) lingling needs to tidy up her room because

2) sally was six or seven when

3) sally is going to school with her friends, so she can’t

4) she’s going to radio beijing tonext friday.

4. listen and read. (activity 3) (跟读录音后,小组分角色进行朗读或对话练习)

(三)知识点学习 (用词填空或翻译)

sb to do sth 想某人做某事。

the teacher wants himclean) the classroom today .

want to do sth 想做某事。

the boys wantedh**e)a picnic on sunday

hobby do you think takes up the least space( =room) ?

take up 表示占据时间或空间,占用。如:

the pianotoo much room. 钢琴占据了太多的空间。

3. i’ll tidy up the table and chairstidy (adj.)-untidy (adj.)

tidy up表示“整理,收拾”。如:

when are you going to __your room你打算什么时候整理自己的房间?

h**e a collection of dollscollect (v.)-collection (n.)

collect stamps\ tickets\ books… 收集邮票/票/书…

注意在表示“收集某东西”时可以用动词collect, 也可以用h**e aof …

5. do you really? =do you really collect bus tickets and train tickets?

6. all the time = always总是、一直。

) the students in our class help each other all the time. a. often b. always c. sometime

made you so interested in music ?

make sb + adj. /do sth 使某人……/让某人做某事

the boss (老板)made himwork , to work ) ten hours a day .

/ become interested in sth / doing sth对……感兴趣。

the girl is interested in music / singing .

often listened to him play the violin.

listen to/ see /hear /let sb do sth 听/ 看到/听见/让某人做某事。

i saw herwalk , to walk ) into the hall just now .

10.当play后面接表示西洋乐器的名词时,需要在该名词前加上定冠词the, 当play后面接表示球类的名词时,不需要在该名词前加定冠词the, 如:

) he can play __piano and i can play___football very well . the b. the , c. /the d. an ,

the end of…. 在……末尾 , in the end = at last 最后

we will finish learning ten modules of grade twothis term .(在这个学期末)

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