
发布 2022-12-28 16:08:28 阅读 5104

unit ten


1. because i’ve had it since i was a baby. 因为自从我很小的时候我就有它了。

辨析】since 与for 在现在完成时态中的用法:

my grandmother __a lot of changes in tianjin since she came here.

a.seesb. can see c. will see d. has seen

i __many new friends since i came here.

a.make b.madec.will make d.h**e made

___h**e you been in the sports club?

since the first month i came to the school.

a. how old b. how long c. how much d. how soon

2. for example , he’s owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven.


own v 拥有n 物主。

of one’s own 某人自己的 the owner of … 的所有者。

who is theown) of the bike?

i want to see it with __i) own eyes.

3. what will they do with the money they raise from the sale? 他们要用卖东西筹集来的钱做什么?

2018玉溪】we can’t decide what will happen in our life, but we can decide how we will __it.

a. agree with b. begin with c. deal with d. come up with

do you __your broken watch?

— i am going to take it to the watchmaker’s .

a. how; do with b. what; deal with

c. how; deal with d. what; did with

4. we can often guess what a text is about by using what we already know.



(1)by doing sth 通过…方式 by studying with a group

注】介词短语作方式状语,回答以how开头的问句, 表示“怎样做”。

i study english bylisten) to the tapes

tom learns chinese bywatch) chinese movies.

did you get there? —by __a taxi.

a. how; taking b. how ; take c. how; took d. what; taking

(2) by+ 交通工具(交通工具前___能加限定词) by bike by train

短语顺便问一下by chance 偶然地错误地




)①the experts think that india’s population may be than china’s 2018.

a. much; by b. more; in c. larger; by d. larger; on

)②we usually h**e a rest noon.

a. atb. inc. ond./

) i go to school __bus every morning.

a. inb. onc. atd. by

) lin lin often practices english __chatting with her american friend.

a. inb. byc. ford. with

)⑤i usually go to school __bike. but sometimes i go to school __foot.

a. with; on b. on; byc. on ; with d. by; on

how do you learn english words?

__****** flashcards.

a. tob. by c. for d. with

does your brother go to work?

by bike.

a. whereb. why c. how

you can improve your english __practicing more.

a. byb. with c. of d. in

5. according to zhong wei ,however ,some things will never change.


解析】according to + 名词依据;按照。

everything went on wellaccord) to our plan.

the new traffic laws, people mustn’t drive after drinking wine or beer.

a. according to b. according as c. according for d. accord to

根据) the survey, many students were willing to work hard to achieve their aims.

6. everyone is so friendly. 每个人都是如此友善。

解析】friend n 朋友adj. 有好的n 友谊。

1交朋友 (2与某人交朋友。


记】we are goodshe isto others. i believe ourwill last forever. (friend)

most foreigners say that the people in beijing are veryfriend).


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