八年级英语下册Unit7英语教学案例 精华版

发布 2022-12-28 16:06:28 阅读 8884


the main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

ⅰ.aims and demands 目标要求。

1. (1)learn adverbs of manner:

finely, lightly, immediately

(2)learn other new words and phrase:

cut, oil, add, deep, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, advantage, cheap

2. know how to cook several kinds of chinese food.

first, cut some cooked meat very finely.

next, you need to put some oil in the pan.

then fry the meat lightly.

you need to add the rice slowly.

finally, add some salt.

3. social communications

(1) offering help

would you like me to help you?

(2) praise and encouragement

well done!

ⅱ.teaching aids教具。


ⅲ.five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案。

step 1 review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟)




t: we'll prepare many kinds of foods for the food festival. what shall we prepare?


t: do you know how to fry meat? please discuss for 1~2 minutes, and then write down the ways in chinese.


t: you can use"first, next, then, after that, finally".


first: cut the meat.

next: put the oil in the pan.

then: put the meat in the pan and fry it.

finally: add salt, and fry it for a few minutes.


t: well done! when we cook food, we must cook very carefully. we must add salt slowly.

(板书)we must cook very carefully.

we must add salt slowly.

(用彩笔画出carefully, slowly, 并解释其用法。)


t: i want a student to act it out as i am saying the cooking steps. any volunteers?

s1: let me try.

t: ok. first, cut the meat finely.

next, put the oil lightly.

then fry the meat lightly.

finally, add the salt slowly.


t: good! when we cook food, we must be careful.

(板书)finely lightly slowly


step 2 presentation 第二步呈现(时间: 7分钟)


1. (给学生3分钟,根据1b**分组讨论"如何做炒饭",学生们各抒己见。)

t: now look at the pictures in 1b, and talk about how to cook fried rice.

s1: .s2: .

2. (设置听力任务,让学生带着任务听1a录音。)

t: now please listen to 1a and find out what kangkang will cook.


t: who can give me the answer?

s3: he will cook fried rice.

t: good. can you tell me how to cook fried rice?

please read 1a, and then tell me the answer.


first, cut some cooked meat very finely.

next, you need to put some oil in the pan. then fry the meat lightly.

after that, you need to add the rice slowly.

finally, add some salt.

t: read the sentences together.


t: who can cook fried rice now? come and try it. finish 1b.

3. (再读1a,找出方式副词,注意其构成和用法并板书。)

t: let's read 1a again, then underline adverbs of manners.

careful + ly carefully cook… carefully

light + ly lightly fry… lightly

fine + ly finely cut… finely

slow + ly slowly add… slowly

step 3 consolidation 第三步巩固(时间: 5分钟)



t: listen to 1a and review the methods of cooking fried rice. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.


t: boys act as kangkang, and girls act as mother. please act out the dialog.


(注意表演的动作要到位,如finely , lightly, slowly。从而培养学生的表演能力和合作精神。解释finely和lightly。)

t:"finely"tells us how to slice cooked meat.

"lightly"tells us how to fry the meat.

step 4 practice 第四步练习(时间: 15分钟)


(方案一)1. (组织学生完成2a。)

t: we've learned how to cook fried rice. would you like to learn how to cook a bowl of noodles?

ss: yes.


t: ok! what do we need to cook a bowl of noodles?

s1: we need some water, some noodles …

(板书)materials: water, noodles, pork bones, ham, cabbage, green onions


t: we h**e got the materials. who can tell me how to cook it?

please make a discussion and tell me how to cook it.


t: pretty well. now please turn to page 62, read 2a and finish 2b.


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