
发布 2022-12-28 15:11:28 阅读 1805


功能]make requests提出请求。


语法]would you mind + gerund (formulaic)

would you mind + 动名词。

will for intentions will表意愿的用法。

could for polite requests could用于有礼貌的请求。

语言]would you mind moving your bike?

not at a11.i’ll do it right away.

could you please take out the trash7

sorry.i’ll do it right away.

词汇]mind介意 yard院子 dish盘;碟 poster海报 take拿走;花费。

order定购;命令;顺序 annoy使恼怒;使生气 cut in line插队。

right away立刻;马上 in a minute一会儿。

教材精析。1.do you mind my smoking? 我抽烟你介意吗?(我抽烟)

would you mind…? 用来提问时,表示客气的语气,比do you mind…?要客气委婉。

回答时,如果是拒绝对方的提议,往往用i’m sorry…或i’m afraid you’d better not等表示婉转的拒绝;如果听从对方的提议,往往用no,not at all来表示接受。如果用yes,含有不客气地拒绝要求的语气。

mind还可以构成很多的短语:像never mind“没关系、一点也不介意”,make up one’s mind“下决心”,change one’s mind“改变主意”等。

(2)turn down “关小一点”,其反义词组是turn up “开大点”。还有tum on“打开……”turn off“关上……”这几个词一般用在“打开”或“关上”,如水龙头、收音机、电视机或气阀等上面。例如:

will you please turn on the computer? 请打开电脑好吗?

remember to turn off the light when you le**e the room.记住离开房子时把灯关掉。

2.i’ll do it right away.我马上做。

right away意为“立刻、马上”,与at once或immediately同义,也与in a minute或before long同义。但in a minute,before long更多地表示“不久、一会儿”之意。

而right now是一短语,表示“此时、现在”,其中right是用来加强now的语气。right now相当于at this moment和at the present time。

3.the pen you bought didn’t work.你买的钢笔不能用。该句为一个含定语从句的复合名,定语从句为you bought。

4.i get annoyed when someone talks to me while l’m reading.使我气恼的是我在看书时别人跟我说话。

(1)get annoyed意为“变得气恼、使生气”,annoyed是过去分词作形容词用,作表语。例如:

i got annoyed when he catne back late last night.


如果是表示“对某人气恼”用get annoyed with sb.,接事时用at或about。例如:

he got annoyed with the boy at his stupidity.


5.this happens to me all the time in the school library.在学校的图书馆里这事老是发生在我身上。

(1)happen表示“偶然发生某事”,是不及物动词,如果是表示“某人出了某事”译为:happen to sb.。例如:

an accident happened to him.他出事了。

happen后接不定式时,表示“碰巧……”例如:i happened to meet our english teacher at the school gate.在学校大门**碰巧遇到了我们的英语老师。

(2)all the time意为“一直、老是、总是”,与always同义。例如:

my english teacher asked me to practise speaking all the time.


6.i don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.我不喜欢当营业员在打**进行长时间聊天时,我排队等候着。

(1)waiting in line是动名词短语做宾语。短语wait in line意为:排队等候。例如:

when you are waiting for the bus,you should wait in line.


please wait in line when you are at the doctor’s.


(2 )a long telephone conversation意为:长时间的**交谈;不是“长途**”。“长途**”应说:

a long-distance tdephone。而conversation为名词,意为:交谈,谈话。

7.it refers to normal and polite social beh**ior.它指的是正式的和有礼貌的社会行为。

(1)refer to表示“指;谈到;参照”。例如:what he said referred to the suggestions we made last week.他所说的参照上周我们制定的计划。


that’s her beh**ior toward me. 这是她对我的态度。


8.if we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette-we may want to mention this to them politely.如果我们看到有人违反礼仪常规时,我们可以对他们有礼貌的提示。

(1)辨析:see someone doing sth.和see sonleorleto do sth.前者意为:看见某人在干什么,指某个动作在进行;而后者意为:


例如:the old man often hears him sing some english songs in the next room.


the old man watched him playing football on the playground at that time.



①及物动词:谈到;写到;提及 .

he knows a lot about flowers,but he didn’t mention it in his speech.


she mentioned to me that she had received your letter.



i’m surprised that there is no mention of the accident in the news*****.


there was no mention of the matter in your letter.


9.people don’t usually like to be we h**e to be careful how we do this.人们不喜欢受到指责,所以我们得注意如何去做。

to be criticized受到指责(批评),此句中为不定式被动结构,意为:被受到批评。


please criticize my painting.请评论我这幅画。

he was criticized for his mistake.他因犯错误而受到批评。

语法归纳。1. would mind + 动名词短语的用法。

1) would you mind … 是向别人提出请求的用语,意为:……介意吗?

例如:would you mind sitting beside you? 你介意坐在你旁边吗?

would you mind smoking here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗?


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