
发布 2022-12-10 22:49:28 阅读 6766


一. 重点词组。

1. 某种。

2. 使…….进入。

3. 使……置于…..外;使…..与…..分开。

4. 以….的形式。

5. 保留。

6. 引起;造成。

7. 把…..扔掉。

8. 大量的。

9. 为了做某事。

10. -的答案。

11. 放弃;认输。

12. 回到…..上。

13. 回到/返回到….上。

14. 付出…….罚款。

15. 坐牢。

16. 使某人活跃起来。

17. 知道---熟悉。

18. 写作。

19. 通知。

20. 熄灭;扑灭。

21. 度假。

二. 重点句型。

1. we must do something to s**e earth.

析:do something意为“采取措施;想办法”。

2. it lets sunlight in and keep much of warmth from getting out.


keep……from doing意为“阻止…….做”。

3. we must close the factories producting useless products.

析;producting useless products意为“生产没有用的产品”,是现在分词短语做定语。现在分词短语作定语要后置。

4. we must recycle more, give up all cars, and improve public transport.

析:give up意为“放弃”,可接名词,也可接动名词、不定式。

如:the doctor told him to give up smoking.

5. and finally, you see someone littering in the countryside.

析:see sb doing意为“看见某人在做某事”。

6. i think that’s too much!

析:that’s too much意为“太过分了”。

7. doctors believe living in this smog is as dangerous as smoking 600 cigarettes a day.

析:as dangerous as意为“与…….一样危险”,相比较的两部分都是动名词短语。

8. only a lot of rain can put them out.

析:put out 意为“扑灭”。out是副词,当宾语是人称代词时,要把它插在put和out之间。

三. 短语辨析。

1. keep ….from doing, stop….from doing


不过,stop….from doing中的from可以省略;但keep……from doing中的from则不可省略。keep……from doing中的from如果省略了,意义就相反了。

如:we should keep/stop people from cutting down too many trees.

2. in order to; in order that

析:in order to意为“为了”,后接不定式。

如:he studied hard in order to pass the exam.

in order that意为“为了”,后接目的状语从句。

如:he studied hard in order that he could catch up with others.

练一练。1. do you know the answerthe problem.

2. they aren’t __but they are happy and

3. we must close the factories___useless products.


4. don’t___hope, try again and you will succeed some day.

up in out to

5. we need___better engines.

invent discover

6. today we are talking __pollution___

7. when the road is __you can cross it.

8. this __is easy. i can answer it

9. a house was on fire last night. the firemen___with water.

out it them out out them out it

10. the polluted air is __people’s health.

to to for d. good for


1. why和because

why用来提问原因。如 why are you late again?


如:--why did you walk to school today?

---because my bike is broken.

2. 形容词的同级比较。


如:mike is as tall as tom.

表示两者在某方面程度不同的比较用“not so/as+形容词/副词+原级+as”结构。如:

my handwriting is not as good as his.

3. 用like, the same as, different from表示比较。


he wants to be a teacher like his father.

the same as表示“同….一样”。same意为“相同的”.

在as….as句型中,当形容词是same时,要把前面的as改为the,就形成了“the same as”。

八年级 下 Unit7 Unit

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