人教新目标八年级下册英语Unit1 单元测试题

发布 2023-01-07 05:16:28 阅读 4591











四、织女星和牛郎星。它们分别属于天鹅座、天琴座、天鹰座。unit 1 what’s the matter?测试题。


)1. no one can help you all the time. you should be __control of your life.

a. for b. at c. on d. in

)2. i was eating in the dining hall when i __the news that li na said good-bye to her fans.

a. hear b. heard c. am hearingd. was hearing

)3. linda was unlucky. she cut __on some broken glass.

a. myselfb. yourself c. herselfd. himself

)4. tom, put the keys on the table __i can remember to take them with me when i go out.

a. as long as b. unless c. so that d. because

)5. the boy didn’t get an education so he has problems __a job.

a. to findb. finding c. findd. found

)6. after dinner, dale’s father is used to __on the bed for a rest.

a. lieb. lying c. riskd. risking

)7. i found myself in a difficult __i must do something to get out of it.

a. competition b. discussion c. predictiond. situation

)8. one of his fingers was __in the accident. a.

made upb. taken on c. put up d.

cut off

)9. if you eat all that chocolate in a day, it’ll make you

a. sick b. hungry c. tired d. creative

)10. a dictionary tells you what wordsa. wonderb. choose c. mean d. solve

)11. on my way home, i saw more than 100 women __in the square.

a. to danceb. are dancing c. to dancingd. dancing

)12. —why does sue look upset? —she went to the bookstore by bus but she __the bus at the wrong stop.

a. got off b. got up c. turned offd. turned up

)13. you __drink and drive. it’s too dangerous.

a. shouldb. shouldn’t c. needd. needn’t

)14. the climber hurt himself __the mountain.

a. climb b. to climb c. climbing d. climbed

)15. —alice, my head feels hot now.—_

a. not at all b. you should go to a doctor c.

i’m sorry d. you shouldn’t tell it to your mother

二、 完形填空(共15分)

do you know who played the role of superman in the film superman? he was christopher reeve, a(n) 16 , and he was famous for his performance in the movie.

like superman, christopher reeve was afraid of nothing. he was good at flying planes, riding horses and many other activities. but 17 changed in 1995.

when riding a horse, he fell and 18 himself badly. the doctors thought it was 19 for him to live long. reeve even thought of 20 his life to end everything.

21 , when he thought of his family, he knew he couldn’t. from then on, he began to 22 for his life.

at the end of 1995, he left hospital. soon after that, he felt he was ready to face the world again. he wanted to tell people no matter23 problems they had, they shouldn’t give up.

he began to make speeches, and they helped lots of people 24 body problems.

he also went back to work and made his first film, in the gloaming. although he lost control of his body, he still had his 25 and his dream. he was, and would always be superman!

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