人教八年级下册Unit 1知识点详解

发布 2023-01-07 05:14:28 阅读 1058

unit 1

1. what’s the matter (with you)? 怎么了?出什么事了?

what’s the trouble/ the problem / wrong with sb./ sth.? what’s up? =what happens to sb.?

注】:matter 和trouble 为名词, 其前可加the 或形容词性物主代词, wrong 是adj. 不能加the.

习】:—what’s the matter __tom. he is wet through. —his car ran __the river.


(1) it doesn’t matter 没关系 (用来回答别人道歉时的用语)

习】:—i’m very sorry. i broke your tea cup

a. it doesn’t matter b. you’d better not c. take it easy d. it’s too bad

2) as a matter of fact= in fact 事实上, 实际上。

2. i had a cold. 我感冒了。 疑问&否定。

h**e a/an + 疾病名词 “患……病” (cold/fever/cough) h**e an accident

h**e a sore ( 因发炎引起的肌肉疼 ) throat/back 患喉咙/背痛 h**e a heart problem

h**e a fever 发烧h**e a cold =catch a cold 患感冒。

h**e a stomachache 患胃痛 h**e a toothache患牙痛 h**e a nosebleed 流鼻血。

h**e a headache 患头痛 h**e a backache患背痛 h**e a cough咳嗽。

其他: cut+身体器官 hurt+身体器官 get hit ( v-ed ) on the head(by sth.)摔在头上。

习】:i didn’t sleep well last night, because i __a toothache .

a. was b. went c. had d. took

h**e ( some ) problems ( in ) doing 做某事有困难。

back n 背;背部

at the back of...在。的后面 go/come back 返回 give back 归还。

hand n. 手 v. 交给;传递。

hand in hand 手拉手 hand in 上交 hand on 依次传递 hand out 分发。

3. 身体部位+ache(持续性的疼痛)构成新的复合词。

stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=headache


4. too much/too many/much too

习】:mr. smith eats __food, so he’s __fat.

a .much too; too much b .too many; much too

c. too much; too much d. too much ;much too

enough 的用法。

(1) adj.足够的,充分的。修饰名词时,放在名词前、后 enough time

(2) adv. “足够地, 十分,相当”, 放在adj./adv 后 expensive enough

(3) be +adj. +enough to do sth be strong enough to carry the box.

习】:—what do you think of the lecture of li yang’s crazy english?

i think it’s __but someone thinks it’s much too __

a. wonderful enough; bored b. enough wonderful; boring

c. wonderful; enough; boring d. enough wonderful ; bored

5. 反身代词


① 一、二人称的反身代词构成: 形容词性物主代词+self/selves构成。

单数:myself yourself复数:ourselves yourselves

② 第三人称的反身代词: 构成:第三人称宾格+self/selves

单数:himself herself itself 复数: themselves


enjoy oneself=h**e fun =h**e a good time玩得高兴 help oneself to 随便吃

teach oneself=learn …by oneself 自学by oneself =alone 独自。

introduce oneself to 自我介绍hurt oneself 受伤。


⑷反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。 如:我自己能完成作业。

i myself can finish my homework. /i can finish my homework myself.


西)”时,须要用one’s own. 如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。 i’m drawing with my own crayons.

习】:boys, don’t lose___in playing angry birds. it is bad for your eyes to

play computer games for a long time.

a. himself b. yourself c. themselves d. yourselves

6. lie down 躺下 lie in 位于,在于 lay , lain , lying

tell lies 说谎 lie to sb. 对……说谎 lied , lied, lying

7. drink some hot tea with honey 喝一些热的蜂蜜水。

with :⑴prep “具有, 带有” ,表示某物带有或具有某种特征。(反) without

she is a girl with long hair.

习】:he has a sore throat . he should __

a. see a dentist b. drink hot tea with honey c. drink a lot of milk d. eat nothing

prep. 和。一起。

i like to talk freely with my friends.

prep 用。表示“使用某种工具”

cut it with a knife.

8. see a dentist and get an x-ray 看医生并且做个x光检查。

see a dentist = go to the dentist’s看牙医 see a doctor

习】:you are ill. you had betterthe doctor right now.

a. look at b. see c. watch

9. take one’s temperature 量体温。

10. put some medicine on ..在。上敷药 put on 穿上,戴上 take off 脱下,摘下 put...in order

put down 放下,记下,镇压 put off 推迟 put up 张贴,搭建,举起 put out 扑灭,熄灭。

11. feel , sound 感官系动词,后+形容词,否定前+助动词don’t或doesn’t.

“感官动词+ like : feel like 摸起来像 smell like 闻起来像 look like 看起来像。


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