
发布 2023-01-08 05:51:28 阅读 5782

unit 1(grade 8)

1. h**e a headache头疼2. talk too much说话太多。

3. h**e a very sore throat嗓子很痛4. lie down and rest躺下休息5.

hot tea with honey加蜂蜜的热茶6. see a dentist看牙医。

7. take one’s temperature量体温8. move my neck**)动脖子9.

sound like a good idea听起来像10. take breaks(间歇)休息11. in the same way以相同的方法、方式。

12. that’s probably why.那个可能就是为什么(的原因)了。

13. what’s the matter with…?怎么了?14. h**e a fever发烧,发热。

15. bus no. 26二十六路巴士16.

lying on the side of the road躺在路边17. get off下车18. h**e a heart problem有心脏病19.


expect sb. to do sth.期待某人做某事21.

to one’s surprise使人感到惊奇22. agree to do sth.同意做某事23.

thanks to(=because of )多亏,幸亏,由于24. wait for等待。。。

25. in time及时/ on time按时准时26. s**e a life/his own life救了他自己的命27.

get into trouble陷入麻烦28. discuss the questions讨论这些问题29. mime a problem30.

be interested in…对。。。感兴趣31. be used to doing sth.

习惯做某事32. take risks冒险33. do dangerous sports做危险的运动。

34. be in a very dangerous/difficult situation处在危险、困难的情形中35. fall on him落到他身上36.

by himself他亲自,他独自。

37. free his arm活动手臂38. bandage himself用绷带绑好自己39. lose too much blood失血太多。

40. between a rock and a hard place生死两难,左右为难41. get out of从。。。

出来42. be in control of掌管,管理。

43. make good decisions做出好决定44. after this experience这次经历之后45.

the same spirits相同的勇气,意志46. mean life or death意味着生或死47. give up放弃48.

keep on doing sth.坚持做某事49. h**e a serious mountain climbing accident遇到了严重的登山事故50.

mind doing sth./ sth.介意做某事51.

know ofknow of知道,听说(比know程度轻, know of也可以说成know about)52. hurt sth.使。。。

受伤(hurt a lot很疼)53. the other day前几天54. seem ok at first起初似乎很好,没受伤55.

even more甚至更。。。56. by accident偶然的,不经意的57.

stop the bus停下巴士58. so that…为了,便于(so…that…如此。。。以致。。。


unit 1 知识点 1.某人怎么了?what s the mattersb.what ssb.what ssb.what s one s whatsb.2.表达 病痛 的几种方法 1 表示 生病 重 感冒发 高 烧。咳嗽 严重患流感。2 表示 酸痛 h e a部位 常用的部位有等 表示很痛,用来修...

苏教版英语八年级上册unit1 知识点

八年级unit1 1.as adj adv as 同级比较,和 一样 第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词。中间部分用形容词还是副词看as前面部分,动词用副词修饰,名词用形容词修饰。例 the film is as interesting as that one.she cooks as well a...


子轩教育1对1个性化 八年级unit1 1.as adj adv as同级比较,和 一样 第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词。中间部分用形容词还是副词看as前面部分,动词用副词修饰,名词用形容词修饰。例 the film is as interesting as that one.she cooks...