unit1 2八年级上册英语知识点

发布 2022-12-28 19:44:28 阅读 2083


1. live on this island

2. island岛屿。

3. speech演讲。

4. listen to a speech

5. in the school hall

6. anything special特别的东西。

7. everywhere每个地方。

8. nowhere无处。

9. anywhere在任何地方。

10. somewhere在某个地方。

11. winter vacation

12. summer vacation

13. quite a few

14. quite a little

15. take photos

16. feel lonely

17. the physics problems物理题。

18. too hard太难。

19. work out算出。

20. few

21. a few

22. little

23. a little

24. no

25. nothing

26. never

27. nobody=no one

28. seldom

29. hardly

30. what about=how about

31. play soccer

32. practice swimming

33. would you like sth to drink?

34. most of the time

35. h**e a rest

36. catch the first bus

37. on vacation

38. on show=on display

39. on business

40. on duty

41. buy sth for sb

42. buy sb sth

43. provide ..for

44. le**e sth for sb

45. give-g**e-given

46. bring-brought-brought

47. throw-threw-thrown

48. allow允许。

49. explain

50. explanation

51. teach-taught

52. write-wrote-written

53. rise-rose-risen

54. ride-rode-ridden

55. send-sent

56. promise

57. refuse-refusal

58. best wishes

59. taste good/delicious

60. smell-smelt

61. feel-felt

62. sound

63. how do you like...what do you think of...

64. great

65. wonderful

66. fantastic

67. pretty good

68. just so-so

69. i enjoy it a lot

70. i can’t stand it/them

71. program=programme

72. mean

73. meaning

74. meaningful

75. meaningless

76. of course=certainly=sure

77. h**e a picnic with sb

78. would you mind doing sth?

79. of course not不介意。

80. make some room for sb为某人让点地方。

81. by oneself

82. on one’s own

83. enjoy oneself=h**e a good time=h**e fun

84. teach oneself=learn...by oneself自学。

85. help oneself to sth随便吃点。。。

86. come to oneself 苏醒。

87. lose oneself in 迷恋;沉迷于。

88. all by oneself 独自地。

89. hurt oneself受伤。

90. dress oneself自己穿衣服。

91. believe in oneself相信自己。

92. why don’t you do sth=why not do...

93. take a holiday休假。

94. do some shopping购物。

95. feel upset感到难过。

96. do more exercise

97. lose some weight**。

98. feed-fed

99. baby pigs猪仔。

100. feed sb/sth喂养某人或某物。

101. feed on 以。。。为食。

102. feed sth to sb

103. feed...with/on sth用。。。喂养。。。

104. as we all know众所周知。

105. go on继续。

106. live on靠。。。为生。

107. try on试穿。

108. among students学生间。

109. he needs a pen to write with

110. he needs a room to live in

111. sb seems happy

112. sb seems to be happy

113. sb seems to do sth

114. it seems that sb...

115. bored

116. boring

117. temperature

118. dark clouds乌云。

119. blow strongly

120. typhoon台风。

121. do the boring work做无聊工作。

122. interested

123. interesting

124. surprised

125. surprising

126. relaxed

127. relaxing

128. amazed

129. amazing

130. moved

131. moving

132. disappointed

133. disappointing

134. excited

135. exciting

136. disappointment

137. excitement

138. movement

139. in the future

140. in place of代替。

141. take one’s place

142. take place=happen

143. activities

144. enjoyable

145. weather

146. find enjoyable

147. result

148. take the train to the top

149. what kind of activity

150. afterclass activities

151. act-action行为。

152. activity活动。

153. active活跃的积极的。

154. arrive in/at=reach=get to

155. decide

156. decision

157. decide to do sth

158. decide on doing

159. make a decision

160. decide not to do sth

161. carry out执行。

162. the coming vacation即将到来的假期。

163. try doing sth试着做某事。

164. try to do sth尽力做某事。

165. try not to do sth

166. work out the problem解出难题。

167. try one’s best to do sth

168. do one’s best to do sth

169. people in trouble困境中的人。

170. people in need患难中的人。

171. friend in need

172. friend indeed真正的朋友。

173. just now刚才。

174. wake up

175. feel like sth感觉像。

176. feel like doing sth想要做。

177. eat up

178. eat out

179. drink up

180. use up

181. run out of

182. invite sb to do sth

183. in the past

184. wonder

185. wonderful

186. wonderfully

187. h**e a wonderful time

188. i wonder if

189. give me a hand=help me

190. win-won-won

191. win the race

192. a natural wonder奇迹。

193. expect

194. look forward to doing

195. explore探索。

196. enjoy doing sth

197. refuse=turn down

198. enjoy oneself=h**e a good time

199. finish doing sth

200. practice doing

201. mind doing sth

202. consider doing考虑做某事。

203. be busy doing忙于做某事。

204. be used to doing sth

205. get used to sth

206. be accustomed to doing

207. get accustomed to doing sth

208. can’t help doing禁不住做某事。

209. give up doing

210. keep on doing sth继续做某事。

211. h**e spare time

212. report

213. different

214. difference

215. differently

216. center=centre

217. be different from

218. be similar to

219. one...the other

220. messages

221. information

222. news

223. danger

224. in danger

225. dangerous

226. wait for

227. too many people

228. can’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事。

229. afford支付的起。

230. so many apples如此多的苹果。

231. so much water如此多的水。

232. too many flowers太多的花。

233. too much water太多的水。

234. much too..太。。。

235. much too he**y太重。

236. too many questions

237. too much homework

238. too much housework

239. too much time

240. much too cold太冷。

241. get to the top到达顶端。

242. a he**y rain一场大雨。

243. a light rain一场小雨。

244. rain he**ily下大雨。

245. rain hard下大雨。

246. rainy有雨的。

247. snowy

248. windy

249. cloudy

250. sunny

251. rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨。

252. blow strongly刮得大。

253. on time按时。

254. in time及时。

255. get to school

256. because of

257. due to

258. according to根据;按照。

259. below在。。。下面;温度低于。

260. fall below zero降到0度以下。

261. during the night在夜间。

262. under—over

263. zero degree 0度。

264. turn into

265. translate...into把。。。翻译为。

266. enough money

267. enough time

268. easy enough

269. strong enough

270. enough+ noun

271. adj+ enough

272. forget to do sth忘记要做某事(未做)

273. forget doing sth忘记做过某事(事情已经做了;忘了)

274. le**e sth + 某地把东西落在某地。

275. stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事。

276. prevent sb from doing sth

277. keep sb from doing sth

278. ban sb from doing sth

279. prohibit sb from doing sth

280. find

281. look for

八年级英语unit1 unit12知识语法点复习

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