
发布 2022-12-28 19:23:28 阅读 6343

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?

period one (总第78课时)

学习目标: section a 1a---grammar focus

学习过程:i. 课前准备。


1.无线电广播2. 无线电台___3. 舒适的座位4. 电影城5. 大屏幕6. 接近的。

7. 品质,质量8. **剧院9. 电影宫。







1. -what’s the best movie theater

--showtime cinema. it’s the cheapest

--but i think gold theater has the most comfortale seats

2.--which is the best radio station

3. 我认为电影城拥有最好的服务。

ii. 课堂导学部分。

1. 话题导入和合作学习1a (课件)p71

2. 1blistening ,1cpairwork. make new conversation by

3. 课堂活动和学习2a、2b和2c(课件)and grammmar focus. p72



1. the park is c___to the school.

2. he often listens to the r___in his spare time.

3. they went to the c___last sunday.

4. how often do you go to the t __

5. his house is c __to mine.

6. how many __座位) are there in the classroom?


hotel has the friendlyin our town.(serve)

home is the closest to school but his home isfar).

movie isthat i h**e ever seen.(bad)

think this movie theater isthan that one.(comfortable)

harbinthan hainan?(cold)

三) 单项选择。

1.--may i come in, mr lee?

---come in and __

a. take a seat b. take a sit c. seat down down

2. -what’s___cinema, town cinema, screen cinema or movie palace?

---movie palace, i think.

b. better c. best best

3.--do you wanta movie with me?

---of course.

a. see b. to see c. seeing see

palace has comfortable seats___it’s always much too crowded.

a. and b. because c. but

5. they decidedto the nearest cinema.

a. go c. to go


pen is cheaper than the other two.(同义句转换)

this pen isof the three.

father is 42 and my father is 40.(同义句转换)

my father ishis.

often helps her mother with the housework on weekends.(同义句转换)

she oftenher motherthe housework on weekends.

came back home from school.(改为否定句)

janeback home from school.

has milk and eggs for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)

maryfor breakfast

学后反馈:你掌握了本课的重点了吗? 请同学们总结一下吧。

1) 最高级的用法。

2) 重点词组。

3) 重点句型。

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?

period two (总第79课时)

一。学习目标: sectiona 3a—4

二。课前预习 :



3. 做一项调查4.最大的屏幕。


7. 质量最好的衣服。



1.完成section a 3a read the article and fill in the chart

2. 3b pair work

3. groupwork.

4. how much is a meal?

meal,dish 和 dinner

dish指某道菜, dinner 是正餐,宴会, meal 泛指一日三餐。



1.( jim thought about __the movie with his friend.

a. go to go to to d. went to

2.( from your letter , i __you would visit our city very soon.

a. studied b. learnt c. taught

3.( he stayed up late lasr night. that’s___he came late.

a. d. that

4.( i’m looking for a good place __lunch.

a. h**e b. to h**e c. h**ing d. had

5is the cinema from here?

about ten minutes’s walk.

a how far b. how long much d. how many


1. this bag is veryhe**y), but that one is evenhe**y).

2. mum gets upearly) in my family.

was one ofpopular) movies at that time.

isbig), themoon, the earth or the sun?

yellow river is the secondlong) river in china.

6. we h**e to wear woolenclthing) in cold winter.


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