八年级英语unit1 unit12知识语法点复习

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unit1重点单词 (必须全部正确) 见课本。


1. 多久一次 how often 2. 关于,至于as for 3. 垃圾食品junk food 4. 起床get up 5. 当然,自然of course

6. 照顾,照看look after 7.许多,大量的a lot of ; lots of 8.在周末on weekends

9.去看电影go to a movie/ go to movies 10. 一周一到两次once or twice a week 11.

…的结果the result of 12.想让某人做某事want sb to do sth 13.喜欢做某事like to do sth; like doing sth.

14. 对…有好处be good for… 15. 对… 有坏处be bad for…16.

擅长做某事be good at doing sth17. 饮食习惯eating habits

18. 试着去做某事try to do sth./ try doing sth.

19. 帮助某人做某事help sb to do sth./ help sb do sth

20. 和…一样the same as 21. 有点kind of 22, 取得好成绩get good grades 23.

多少how many / how much 24. 保持身体健康keep healthy/stay healthy/keep in good healthy

25健康的习惯/健康的生活方式healthy habits /healthy lifestyle

重点句子 (至少正确十个以上,否则先背诵理解后重写)

1. 你周末通常做什么? 我通常去购物? what do you usually do on weekends? i usually go shopping.

2. 你多久读一次英语书? 我一周读英语书大约两次。

how often do you read english books? i read english books about twice a week.

3. 她周末通常做什么? 她通常去锻炼。 what does she usually do on weekends? she usually exercises.

4. 他多久打一次篮球? 他通常一周打篮球三到四次。

how often does he play basketball? he usually play basketball three or four times a week.

5. 他们周末通常做什么? 他们通常写作业。

what do they usually do on weekends? they usually do their homework.

6. 他们多久看一次电影? 他们通常一周看一次电影。

how often do they go to a movie? they go to a movie once a week.

7. 我妈妈想让我每天都喝牛奶,她说那对我的健康有好处。

my mom wants me to drink milk everyday. she says that is good for my health.

8. 她的生活方式和我的一样。 her liftstyle is the same as my lifestyle(mine).

9. 我健康的生活方式帮我取的好成绩。my healthy liftstyle helps me get good grades.

10. 我不喜欢吃垃圾食品,因为它对身体有害。i don’t like junk food, because it is bad for my health.

11. 姥姥是相当的健康, 因为她每天都锻炼身体。

my grandma is pretty healthy, because she exercises every day.

12. 大量的蔬菜能使你保持身体健康。 a lot of vegetables can keep you in good health.

13. 你必须试着少吃肉。you must try to eat less meat.

默写p5 3a (单词拼写,句子都不能错)

unit 2

重点单词(必须全部正确) 见课本单词。


1.感冒,受凉h**e a cold 2. 有压力的,紧张的be stressed out 3.有些,几个,少数a few

4. 此时,现在at the moment 5. 寄宿家庭host family 6.怎么啦what’s wrong?/ what’s the matter?

7. 躺下休息lie down and h**e a rest 8.蜂蜜热茶hot tea with honey 9. 看牙医see a dentist

10. 多喝水drink more water 11.那是个好主意that’s a good idea 13.我也这样认为i think so

14. 嗓子痛,喉咙痛h**e a sore throat 15.早点**get up earlier 16.

传统中医traditional chinese doctors 17. …的平衡the balance of …18.例如for example 19.

太多too much/ too many 20.中药chinese medicine 21. 疲倦,劳累get tired 22.

保持健康keep healthy 23. 需要做某事need to do sth

24. 在…很流行,很受欢迎be popular in…


1. 你怎么啦?我发烧了。 她怎么啦? 她胃疼。

what's wrong with you? i h**e a fever. what’s the matter with her?

she h**e a stomachache.

2. 她牙疼吗? 是的。

她应该是看牙医。does she h**e a toothache? yes,she does.

she should see a dentist.

3. 我现在感觉不好,我感冒了。你应该多喝热水,然后躺下好好休息。

i am not feeling very well. i h**e a cold. you should drink more hot water ,then lie donw and h**e a rest.

4 . 她应该早点**睡觉, 她不应该去参加晚会。 she should go to bed earlier, she shouldn’t go to the party.

5. 当你劳累的时候,你不应该在晚上出去了。 when you are tired, you shouldn't go out at night.

6. 你应该多吃水果和其它健康的食物。 you should eat more fruit and other healthy food.

7. 我认为晚上八小时的睡眠是很重要的。 i think it is important to sleep eight hours a night.

8. 合理饮食保持健康。 eat a balanced diet to keep healthy.

9. 听到你身体不适,我很难过。 我希望你尽快好起来。

i am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. i hope 9. you feel better soon.

10. 不要太有压力,那是不健康的。don't get/be stressed out. it’s not healthy.

11. 拥有一个健康的生活方式很简单,合理膳食很重要。

it's easy to h**e a healthy lifestyle,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.

12. 中药在西方国家很受欢迎。 chinese medicine is very popular in western countries.

默写p9 3a 和 p11 3a

unit3重点单词(必须全部正确) 见课本单词。


1.多久,多长时间how long 2.回来come back 3.去度假h**e a vacation/ take a vacation 4.五大湖great lakes

5.拜访我的朋友visit my friends 6.送给某人某物send sb sth/ send sth to sb. 7. 去远足go hiking

8. …怎么样what about ….how about ….9.给某人看某物show sb sth/ show sth to sb 10.骑自行车ride bike

11. 去观光游览go sightseeing 12.散步take a walk 13.

去钓鱼go fishing 14.一些问题a few questiongs / some questions 15.考虑think about 16.

决定做某事decide to do sth. 17.计划做某事plan to do sth.

18. 在周六on saturdays.19.花费时间/金钱做某事spend时间/金钱in doing sth. 20.动身去某地le**e for…



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