
发布 2022-11-02 07:15:28 阅读 9079

unit 1what’s the matter ?第 1 课时section a 1a-2d (总第1课时)


限时作业达标测评(教师寄语:practice makes perfect)

一 )选择 (3分)

knee(膝盖) is hurt,my dad put some medicine___it.

a. in c. on d. about

2.--i am worked late last night.--i think you __h**e a good rest.

c. mustn’t d. shouldn’t

is __snow and it’s __cold this winter.

much; too much much; much too

too; much too; too much


mother’stooth)are white and brushes them twice a day.

shoulddrink) enough water.

cuther) when she cook the meal yesterday.

had a badstomach) ,i should see a doctor.


1.我应当量一**温吗imy temperature?


you need tothe computer.


i think i sat in the same waywithout___

unit 1第 2课时section a3d--4c(总第 2 课时)


达标测评 ( 教师寄语: look before you leap)


1.--do you think braizal will beat japan in the next match?

---yes, they h**e better players,so i them to win.

a hope b except c expect d agree

drive your car so fast. it’s very dangerous.

a wouldn’t b shouldn’t c couldn’t d mightn’t

i walked past the park, i saw some old people chinese taiji.

a dob didc doing d are doing


1.多亏了这些好心人,她儿子得救了these kind men,her son was s**ed.

2.请及时交作业。 please hand in your homework

3.我想问问他昨天发生什么事了。i want to ask himyesterday.

4.他是个善良的人,从不为自己考虑。he is a kind man who neverhimself.


has a fever. (对画线部分提问) what’s with ?

should take a taxi to the hotel .(改为否定句)

victora taxi to the hotel.

h**e a heart problem today.(改为同意句)i h**ewith my heart today.

unit 1第 3 课时sectionb 1a-1d(总 3 课时)


达标测评(教师寄语:practice makes perfect)

一 )选择 (3分)

heard that someone got hit __the head at that time.

mother often tells me __the teacher in class.

to listen listen to

3i hurt my left hand.

are you doing? b. what happened? c. how do you like it?


his hand yesterday night.

wasrun) under the hot sun.

washed the cut and put somemedicine) on it.



you mustthe fruitswater before you eat them.


fordays, you will be better.

3.告诉他把头向后仰。 tell himhis head

unit1第4课时sectionb (2a—2e)(总第4课时)


达标测评 ( 教师寄语: look before you leap)


1. some people waste(浪费)too much water. they don’t believe that it can __some day.

out b. run out c. be run out d. run out of

2.--jack, will your family move to shanghai? -yes. that’s a very big __my parents made.

believe your dream will come true one day if you keep on___hard from now on .

work 二)用所给词的适当形式填空(3分)

1. may is used toeat) dumplings.

2. many people do not know theimportant) of healthy food.

3. there are somerock) in the street.


1. 现在越来越多的人对网上购物感兴趣。

now , more and more peopleshopping online.

2. 有时我们不能掌握自己的生命。

sometimes, we can’t beour lives.

3. 我用刀子切了一半苹果给弟弟。

i used the knife tohalf of the apple for my brother.

第 5课时 unit1 self check( 总第 5课时)




1.__many times when aron almost lost his life.

is was were are

forget to take your bag when you __the bus.

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