
发布 2022-12-28 23:58:28 阅读 9200

unit 1

an. 建议,忠告,劝告。


a piece of advice;two piece of advice;some advice


ask sb. for advice征询某人的建议。

give sb. some advice= give some advice to sb.给某人提出一些建议。

give advice on sth.在某方面给出建议。

take (follow) one’s advice接受某人的建议。

he often gives us some advice.=he often gives some advice to us.


例题:your __is very helpful. i guess i’ll take it.

a. secret b. advice c. promise d. purpose

答案:b 秘密;建议;承诺;目标。由下句“我想我会采纳。”可知“你的建议很有用”。

the matter?怎么了?


the matter (with you)? 你)怎么了?

—i lost my pen./i h**e a cold. 我把我的钢笔弄丢了。/我感冒了。


what’s the matter (with you)?

what’s the trouble (with you)?

what’s the problem(with you)?

what’s wrong (with you)?=what’s up?

what happened?

例题:——nick is not at school

—he has a cold.

a. who’s that b. what’s the matter c. how old is he d. how much is it

答案:b 句意:——nick没来上学。怎么回事? —他感冒了。


此类句型中,what即为句子主语,本身构成陈述语序,故当句子以宾语从句身份出现时,不可将be移至the matter/trouble/problem之后。

a stomachache胃疼。

1)h**e +a(n)+名词,表示患某种病。

h**e a cold感冒 h**e a toothache牙疼。

h**e a fever发烧 h**e a headache头疼。


h**e a sore throat(back/knee…)嗓子疼(背疼/膝盖疼…)

h**e a pain in the back(foot/knee…)背疼(脚疼/膝盖疼)



headache头疼 toothache牙疼 backache背疼。

例题:——mom,i __

—i’m sorry to hear that,dear. we must go to see the dentist right away.

a. h**e a headache b. h**e a stomachache c. h**e a toothache

答案:c 由下文“dentist”可知孩子牙疼。

n. 脚。foot作为可数名词用,其复数形式是feet。

this kind of animal has four feet.这种动物有四只脚。

1)与foot变复数的变化形式相似的词还有:tooth-teeth牙齿 goose-geese鹅。

2)on foot步行,固定短语,相当于walk。

we came here on foot.=we walked here.我们走着来这儿的。

n. 发烧。

tom has a fever.汤姆发烧了。

1)h**e a fever=h**e a temperature=run a fever发烧。

i had a temperature last night.昨晚我发烧了。

例题:nancy took her temperature and found she had a __

a. cough b. toothache c. cold d. fever

答案:d 由上文“南希量了一**温”可知发现她发烧了。

2)拓展:h**e a high temperature/fever发高烧。

v. 躺,平躺。


lie v. 躺,位于,平放 lay-lain-lying

you should lie down.你应该躺下。

his school lies in the north of the city.他的学校位于城北。

lie v. 说谎 lied-lied-lying

he often lies.他经常说谎。

lie n. 谎言 lies(复数)

he often tells lies.他经常说谎。

例题:look,there is a wallet __on the playground.

a. lie b. lying c. lay d. lain

答案:b there be…doing sth.为固定句式,lie躺,位于,平放,其现在分词是lying。

2)拓展:lay v. 下蛋,放置。

the hens lay a lot of eggs every day.母鸡每天下很多蛋。

please lay the table before dinner.饭前请摆好餐具。

v. &n. 放松;休息。


you should rest your eyes after a lot of reading.在大量阅读之后,你应该休息一下你的眼睛。

i’m tired,and i want to rest.我累了,我想休息。

2)rest也可以作名词,h**e/take a rest=h**e/take a break,意为“休息一下”。

students h**e a rest/break after each lesson.学生们每节课后都休息一下。

v. 摸起来。



your hand feels cold.你的手摸起来很凉。

silk feels soft and smooth.丝绸摸起来柔软平滑。


i feel fine./i’m feeling fine.我感觉良好。/我现在感觉良好。


3)拓展:feel like +n. 意为“摸起来像…”

this wallet feels like leather.这个钱包摸起来像是皮的。

例题:this bed __soft and comfortable.

a. sounds b. tastes c. feels d. smells

答案:c 句意:这张床摸起来柔软而且舒服。

prep. 没有,缺乏。


we got there without any trouble.


can you finish your homework without him?


she left the room without saying a word.


例题:the “teacher-free exam”means that students take their exams __teachers. students must be more honest.

a. without b. against c. through d. by

答案:a 没有;反对;通过;被。由后句“学生们必须更加诚实”,可知“teacher-free exam”意思是没有老师监考的测试。


we couldn’t live without air.=we couldn’t live if there weren’t air.

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