
发布 2022-12-28 23:56:28 阅读 8274

一.exercise one

1. today rick stayed at home all day and he was very __bore).

2. the tv show is really __bore). i don’t like it.

3. i think you are old enough to dress __you ).

4. nancy didn’t seem __be ) happy today. but i don’t know why.

5. do you read lei feng’s __diary)? i learnt a lot from them.

6. he doesn’t h**e a job. so he has nothing __do) every day.

7. many chinese __trader) go to other countries to make money.

8. we decided __visit) museums this summer.

9. i don’t feel like __walk) around the town.

10. i want to buy a computer, but i don’t bring___

money b. time enough time d. many money

11. -what did he do yesterday?

--he __the books in the library.

a. reading b. read c. reads d. readed

12. how___the people there?

a. is b. was c. were d. did

13. i___to jim’s birthday party because i was busy at home.

a. didn’t go b. went c. don’t d . go

14. jim visited his grandparents last weekend.( 改为否定句)

played tennis with my brother yesterday yesterday.

you __yesterday afternoon.

16. how was the weather in your city?( 改为同义句)

the weather __in your city?

did her homework at home. (改为一般疑问句)

___kathy __her homework at home?

18. today it’s very cold and the temperature is eight___低于,在…下面 )zero.


1. i’m free. i h**e __to do .

a. something b. anything c. nothing d. someone

2. suddenly, tom came in and he said he had __to tell the class.

a. anything important b. important everything

c. something important d. important something

3. hurry up! everyone __waiting for you at the hall.

a. am b. is c. are d. was

4. there are __people in the street.

a. many b much c. any

5.__is in the room. so you can’t hear any voice.

a. someone b. anything c. nobody d. everything

6because because of

___he is ill, he is absent today.

he is not at school___his illness

三、words and phrases:

1. 去夏令营2. 去度假,在度假 3. 去了有趣的地方。

4.相当多,不少5.骑自行车 6. 忘记做sth…

7.因为8.记日记 9.玩得高兴,过得愉快。

10. 好久不见11. 在过去。

12. 到达13.如此…以至于。


16. 买一些特别的东西 17. 吃了一些特别的东西

18.享受做某事19. 超过两个小时 20. 两个个小时以后。

21. 学习一些重要的东西 22.乘坐火车23.照相。


1. 食物怎么样?

2. 所有人都去度假了。

3. he did not wirte___足够认真 ),though he had___足够时间)


tomtothe mountain and saw

5. 这是多么不同的一天啊!

6. 我们忘记带伞,所以又潮湿有寒冷。

i forgotan __so i were __and __


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