八年级上英语辅导 六 U

发布 2020-03-13 10:00:28 阅读 7491





上课时间: 2014 年 1 月 5 日具体时间。

上课单元: unit2 频度副词。

本次上课课时 3 总上课课时 18




barack obama is the 44th president (**) of the united states. his date of birth is august 4th, 1961. he was elected (被选举为) president on november 4th, has a very healthy lifestyle.

as a president, he is always very busy and works about 10 hours a day. but he still spends some time doing exercise. at about 7:

30 every morning he goes to a gym. he does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day. he says that doing exercise makes him young and healthy.

doing exercise can make him relaxed. his eating habits are also very healthy. he usually stays away from junk food.

he eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. he doesn’t like coffee or ice cream. his f**orite food is the pizza (比萨饼) from a restaurant in chicago.

the restaurant’s name is italian fiesta pizzeria.

do exercise every day from now on. you’ll be as healthy as obama!


)1. obama does exercise __

a. every day b. once a week c. twice a week d. three times a week

)2. obama wasyears old when he was elected president.

a. 27b. 37c. 47d. 57

)3. obama likes __best according to the passage.

a. coffee b. ice creamc. pizzas d. hamburgers

)4. we can learn that __from the passage.

a. obama doesn’t eat breakfast with his family

b. obama goes to bed before 10 o’clock every night

c. obama does exercise in a park every morning

d. obama thinks doing exercise is good for him

)5. the passage is mainly about

a. obama’s workb. obama’s hobbies c. obama’s family d. obama’s lifestyle

bsurfing the internet is popular now. many students really like surfing the internet. why do they like surfing the internet?

i asked some of my students. here are their answers.

tom i like playing online games (**游戏). i want to play after school every day, but my parents are very strict with me. i can only play games on sunday afternoon for two hours.

bill surfing the internet helps me a lot in learning english. i listen to english programs on the internet, such as the bbc and voa. i do that for an hour every day.

so my english is pretty good.

ann i enjoy reading articles on the internet. i can learn a lot. my writing skills are improving a lot.

i surf the internet twice a week for an hour each time.

kate i like surfing the internet because it helps me with my school subjects. when i meet some things that i can’t work out, i can ask for help on the internet. it helps me get good grades.

so my parents always let me surf the internet when i want.

1. how often does tom play online games?

2. what does bill do on the internet every day?

3. how many hours does ann surf the internet every week?

4. who can get help in their studies from surfing the internet?

5. why do kate’s parents let her surf the internet when she wants?

夯实基础。1. 去看电影2.看电视。



7 吃水果8 喝牛奶。

9照看10. 做作业。












)1. “do you go shopping?” once a week.”

a. what time b. how long c. how often d. how soon

)2. _homework, most students do it every day.

a. as for b. with c. as d. to

)3. here __in the classroom.

a. is three woman teachers b. is three women teachers

c. are three woman teachers d. are three women teachers

)4. “do you like chinese food?” oh, very much.”


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